05-13-2016 08:25
05-13-2016 08:25
05-13-2016 09:26
05-13-2016 09:26
I also have a 2 year-old samsung galaxy s5. I am to the point where I need to buy a new battery because I can't even go a full day at work without the battery dying on me. That being said, after I installed the fitbit app I noticed this always connected option. When you trigger this to on, a notification pops up saying that depending on the phone there may be battery percformance issues. It also says that if there is significant battery drain to disable always connected. Due to this I opted to disable the always connected option. The samsung galaxy s5 has enough battery performance problems as it is.
05-13-2016 11:06 - edited 05-31-2016 05:44
05-13-2016 11:06 - edited 05-31-2016 05:44
Let's do a quick check of the battery.
Pull i battery out of the phone, you will see what looks like a peice of paper on the end with the contracts. If the battery is good this paper will be white or a very light shade of pink. The darker the pink the worse the battery is.
If the sides of the battery have a bulge, you might even be able to spin it on a table top, the battery is a goner.
My battery has gotten to the point where the phone only lasted 1 minute at the most and the guy at the Sprint store did not know about this battery indicator.
03-04-2017 18:27
03-04-2017 18:27
I was always under the impression that the little piece of paper is a moisture sensing / water damage indicator. White = no water / moisture present. Pink > Red = moisture / water is or at some point was present on the indicator, indicating some degree of water or heavy moisture accumulation or leakage in the area. I do know of at least one person that tried to warranty their phone and were not able to because the paper was "pink" and this was also said to be a sign of water damage at some point with said phone. I just have never heard of a piece of paper capable of telling me the current health of my battery... How could paper even do this?
The bulging battery however, definite bad sign and obviously a bad battery that needs to be replaced immediately.