11-08-2019 20:57
11-08-2019 20:57
I have a fitbit charge 2. It was working great with my samsung a40 until 1q.28pm on 22/10/19. When it stopped syncing with my phone... I believe there has been a firmware update which is causing issues?? I have restarted my fit bit; I have turned my phone off and on again; reset the bluetooth and even tried reinstalling the fitbit. I get as far as the 4 digit code then nothing. It is getting beyond a joke now! It is effectively worthless to me if I cannot record and store my sleep, heart rate and exercise. Fitbit what is going on??????? I know others have raised this via social media and other posts.... why are we still having these issues?????
11-09-2019 01:11
11-09-2019 01:11
I have had exactly the same problem with my Alta HR since changing my phone to the Samsung a20e. I have been able to pair my device since around the middle of September. I have called customer service who tell me that my phone may not support the fitbit, I cannot believe that is true as the phone is newer than my previous. It is ridiculous and I share your frustration
11-09-2019 01:12
11-09-2019 01:12
Sorry I meant haven't been able to pair!!!!
11-09-2019 01:44
11-09-2019 01:44
Mine was working fantastically well with my A40 until the update. It's so frustrating. I was going to be buying a couple of fitbits as Christmas presents for the kids/husband but I wont waste my money now. No point until this is resolved
11-09-2019 01:46
11-09-2019 01:46
Mine too, it is incredibly annoying and no one seems to be able to help
11-09-2019 02:08
11-09-2019 02:08
I'm having same issue with my galaxy s10 it will not sync anymore and also when I try and log into my app it says my password/email is invalid. I dont understand why no one is fixing this if it's a known issue
11-09-2019 04:23
11-09-2019 04:23
Ya I'm not getting any answers as to what's going on!
11-18-2019 00:35
11-18-2019 00:35
I'm starting to get really really annoyed. It is still not working I have tried all the fixes people have suggested and updated the app but to no avail.... it still wont sync. Come on Fitbit GET IT SORTED!!!!!! I'm not the only customer with this issue and it honestly is like you dont care about your customers at all!!!!!!!
11-18-2019 00:43
11-18-2019 00:43
Mine too! I have removed and added my flex 2 several times, done all the trouble shooting, etc. It eventually syncs but then shows as not being found! Also won't show as paired, despite all the pairing steps followed and confirmed. This is so deja vu with Fitbit updates. So annoying!
11-18-2019 07:37
11-18-2019 07:37
There is a known issue with syncing with the android phone. There is no ETA on the fix and I've been told that right now all you can do is keep your phone and fitbit app up to date so that when they finally resolve it will flow through.
12-04-2019 00:40
12-04-2019 00:40
So I'm still no further forward in getting this sorted. Fitbit are completely uninterested and now its draining battery within 36hours (some days it wont even last 12 hours!) I cannot believe that Fitbit have still not managed to resolve the problem yet and are completely uninterested. Every communication I have with them is going over old ground. They do not read the emails just repeat what they have already told you and you have advised doesnt work.. its absolutely disgusting. Come on Fitbit!!!
12-04-2019 05:15
12-04-2019 05:15
Same here, I tried on 2 phones and they keep telling me it's the phone that's the issue, not their update. The reply i keep getting is try on another compatible device. WTF... buy another phone just to test fitbit. I'm fed up of every update causing problems. They should just reinstate an earlier version until the sort it out
12-04-2019 06:46
12-04-2019 06:46
My Fitbit app quit responding about a week ago. I get notifications all day saying it is not responding. I have the latest Android update. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app multiple times with the same result. At this point, my Fitbit is pretty useless.
12-04-2019 09:26
12-04-2019 09:26
Theres a post on here from a user called Lost Echo (THANK YOU) with the tip to google Fitbit app 2.90 mirror to get the older version. I installed the August version and everything is working again on 2 different Samsung phones. Don't expect help from Fitbit support. They told me it was not possible to get the older version back. The solution from them is to try another "compatible device" presumably to get me to buy another tracker upgrade. Never again. If this fitbit alta hr gives up , i will never buy Fitbit again and I will not update the app again
12-04-2019 09:48
12-04-2019 09:48
12-04-2019 12:02
12-04-2019 12:02
Hi WeezyP
I have sent lots of messages on the forum throughout November this year. I have a charge 2 tracker and a Galaxy A10 phone. My problem with syncing started on 18th November when the 3.10 fitbit release was installed. Release 3.11 didn't help either. I tried everything suggested by the fitbit team but nothing worked. Eventually I updated to the latest Samsung software and when I installed it my fitbit started syncing again. Other forum members have done same and they were syncing last time I checked. There must have been a fix patch in the software.
I have turned off my auto update now though so I get to choose what is installed. Hope this helps.
12-04-2019 18:47
12-04-2019 18:47
I am having trouble syncing as well. It's frustating.
12-04-2019 22:47
12-04-2019 22:47
Hi CamiMari
Do you want to start at beginning? I agree it is very frustrating when you are having problems. There are forum members out there who will read messages and reply but need some basic information first. My apologies if you have already done this but I havent seen it.
Could you say which tracker and phone you are using.
Say which fitbit release you are using
Say if you have checked if the phone has the latest available software installed.
List one by one all the different things you have tried to get syncing started again.
I have a Samsung Galaxy A10
I have a charge 2 tracker.
Mine are still syncing thank goodness but it was annoying and frustrating in that time from November 18th when it stopped.
You may find you get other replies from forum members once they see what you are using and what you have done so far. I look forward to your reply and good luck.
12-05-2019 13:07
12-05-2019 13:07
12-06-2019 09:22
12-06-2019 09:22
Hi Hm1961
Glad to see you phone and tracker are syncing now.
Thanks for passing on the Facebook information
It is great to see Forum members helping each other and sending feedback when they have positive news.