09-23-2019 21:17
09-23-2019 21:17
When I enlarge the graph of my heart rate in the restoration section(I pay for premium) I cannot view what time I am clicking on the graph bc it is formatted wrong. The bubble that pops up with the time when you click a particular point on the graph is hidden behind the key chart for the map at the top. All the other graphs that came new with premium(time asleep and deep/rem sleep) are formatted just fine. Anyone else having this issue?
09-24-2019 08:02
09-24-2019 08:02
I had not tried that, but now I see what you are saying. But for me, I can just see the time, but it looks like there's more of the top of the bubble that is cut off.
Are you on Android or iPhone?
09-24-2019 11:34
09-24-2019 11:34
09-24-2019 12:23
09-24-2019 12:23
I also noted if rotate restoration graph to Landscape, when click a point get no pop-up bubble at all, contrary to how it happens on Sleep Stages graph.
I have reported this, but don't hold your breath waiting for the fix.
09-25-2019 04:02
09-25-2019 04:02
I don’t have this issue on my iPhone so it’s probably a glitch on Android.
On iPhone, none of the graphs rotate to landscape.
09-25-2019 08:23
09-25-2019 08:23
Here's mine for restoration bubble partly hidden
And the way it should look for stages
Looks like programming neglected putting bubble on top for one.
Restoration rotated - no bubble available
Sleep stages rotated with bubble