12-12-2018 13:21
12-12-2018 13:21
I have an issue with the step goals on the app.
(I am not certain if this is the right place for this, also I am not sure if I didn't define my search query correctly. I found no posts with this exact issue.)
Currently when you set a goal, and you make the goal, you get a star next to the amount of steps you get. It's broken down by the week, and you scroll to go back through previous days to see the amount of steps you got and the star for exceeding your goal.
My problem is that if you change (increase) your goal, it then shows all the previous step amounts in regards to the CURRENT goal and not the goal as it was on that day.
I am currently recovering from ankle surgery. When I first started stepping again after surgery, my goal was 1,000 steps. Some days I struggled HARD to get that green star. Now I have recovered enough that my goal is 5,800! This means that when I scroll back through my steps, it appears that THOSE days (when my goal was much lower) I didn't reach my goal.
This is very disheartening. I use my apps as a diary. I like to know when I did reach my goals! Sometimes, I will increase my goal, and it is too difficult. I then look back through the app to see when I was consistently reaching a goal, to make an informed decision about what I should make my new steps goal.
Also, when I can scroll back and see all those stars, I can count my goal streak! I make it a point to increase my goals, and it's nice to be able to say I have a 37 day streak even if I had changed my goal 4 times in that month ish.
I understand that for the probable majority of your customers, the step goal is a set it and forget it kind of goal. And for those users, this makes sense. They are going to keep a consistent goal, and it won't matter to them. But, many of your customers are using the fitbit to increase their activities. They aren't going to have a consistent goal. I mean, before my current injury and recovering, my step goal was 13,000. I am always going to up my goals. All I am asking for is that you not take away my ability to recognize when I have reached previous goals.
12-12-2018 13:34
12-12-2018 13:34
I saw the idea board post and I also put this there