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Win10_PC_ Fitbit Dashboard
Android phone ver9RUN map is incomplete on Android phone but kilometer markers still show for missing track. For example, a 9k run, the track of my run will show a red track starting at the 5k mark till the end of the run but the kilometer markers up to the 5k are still there/ All data from the start to end is available. Now if I open on my PC the Fitbit Dashboard, the whole RUN is on show. I assume that all GPS co-ordinates have been uploaded via phone so cannot understand that the PC dashboard is unaffected
The issue is not evident on all runs.
Any ideas ?
Fitbit Charge 5/Android Ver 9
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.
01-15-2023 06:26
01-15-2023 06:26
@SomeBitFit Well you learn something new every day. I didn't know you could do that. However, Google only seems to be allowing me to upload GPX files from my Polar account, and not TCX files from Fitbit.
CharlesKn | Mid-Atlantic, USA
60+, strength and cardio
Charge 5, Android, Windows
01-15-2023 13:23
01-15-2023 13:23
@charleskn.TCX file needs to be converted to .XLSX file to import to Google Maps. In Google Maps, select Lat/Long and create map.
01-15-2023 14:43 - edited 01-15-2023 14:48
01-15-2023 14:43 - edited 01-15-2023 14:48
01-15-2023 15:38 - edited 01-15-2023 15:46
01-15-2023 15:38 - edited 01-15-2023 15:46
@SomeBitFit I gave it a quick look and there is something off indeed:
As you can see, my renderer can render the whole course however, if you look at the HR chart there is something off. A quick look at the file revealed that there are a number of trackpoints indicating DistanceMeters 0.0m which indicates a pause - this is nothing unusual. Usually, renderers shouldn't have an issue with that. But the end is suspicious...
This is my hike from September. My watch died in the end and the TCX file ends at the moment I turned my watch on again:
It looks very similar to what you've got in your TCX.
Can you tell more details about how the activity was recorded (manually with Exercise app, automatically)? Did you use pause? What happened at the end? It looks like you kept it paused for nearly 45 minutes and then shut it down. Is this what happened? The file doesn't seem to be corrupted but Fitbit's renderer may not like something that is unusual and appears rarely. Hence, circumstances matter 🙂 Oh, and by GPS you ran 12.69km, not 9.58km. I'm curious why there's such a huge difference.
01-15-2023 16:16
01-15-2023 16:16
Did you use pause? What happened at the end? It looks like you kept it paused for nearly 45 minutes and then shut it down. Is this what happened?
Answer: Yes, that is what happened.. A pause halfway and long pause near the end.
I'll have a run tomorrow without activating Pause and then review the data .Will keep the forum posted.
@t.parkerGPS you ran 12.69km, not 9.58km.We'll that's inflation for you !
01-16-2023 02:20
01-16-2023 02:20
@SomeBitFit if the end is a long pause then the file doesn't seem to be corrupted or contain anything TCX renderers wouldn't deal with. Google Maps displays your route as corrupted most likely due to conversion issues (this is a reason why I don't use GM to view my routes). Pausing the activity shouldn't really affect anything. Have you ever managed to reproduce this issue with any other run or it's just a one-off?
01-16-2023 12:52
01-16-2023 12:52
@t.parker @charleskn @RodrigoMFitbit
This is today's run, displayed on Fitbit android app and the Fitbit web_My Dashboard. No pausing occurred.
TCX file link attached.
My Dashboard map
Android phone map
Link to .tcx file
[Xiaomi Redmi 6,Fitbit Charge 5, Win 10 ]
01-23-2023 13:51
01-23-2023 13:51
Update: Fitbit android exercise map, part of track not showing
Fitbit support suggested as follows. "turn off the auto-exercise recognition of your walk".
I've tested the Fitbit app on 3 consecutive occasions, same route, after applying supports suggestion and can state that it did resolve my problem.
To turn Auto recognition ON or OFF