09-28-2020 19:08
09-28-2020 19:08
Hello all,
Is anyone else seeing weirdness with the numbers vs. the chart for the mindfulness heart rate in the Android App?
Sometimes they line up pretty well, other times I get oddities like these two. For example, the 84 > 89 looks back-to-front, and the 70 > 70 one is clearly not registering the change it should be.
09-29-2020 05:24
09-29-2020 05:24
Odd, I didn't even get heart rate numbers logged for my session...
09-29-2020 19:25
09-29-2020 19:25
Neither do I, I came here to say this. I have been doing the mindfulness sessions but the heart rate is not registering.
10-01-2020 08:22
10-01-2020 08:22
I have the same problem. It worked before but since this morning the app just tells me that no heart rate data was recorded during my mindfulness session and tells me I should wear my Fitbit during mindfulness sessions - but I did have my Fitbit on and I know data was recorded because in my heart rate tile I can see my heart rate with no gaps. Problematic!!!
10-14-2020 00:47
10-20-2020 19:18
10-20-2020 19:18
I'm having the same problem -- I wear the tracker but the mindfulness session doesn't register my heartrate. In my first four times doing a meditation session, it worked beautifully, but since last week nada.
11-01-2020 00:07
11-01-2020 00:07
I'm having the same problem.... I hope this is addressed very soob
11-02-2020 08:16
11-02-2020 08:16
Having the same issue as of today 11/2/20.
Hey Fitbit, please fix this. It's obviously an issue.
11-06-2020 04:19
11-06-2020 04:19
I am having The exact same problem when I first got my Fitbit it worked and recorded my heart rate during the mindfulness exercise for about a week and then it stopped and It’s still not syncing
11-17-2020 04:46
11-17-2020 04:46
I'm having the same problem but my numbers show 0! My chart shows a graph but zeros!! Worked awesome the first few weeks and now this. I go back later and same thing. My heart rate in other areas works fine.