09-24-2023 13:35
09-24-2023 13:35
I did a road bike ride last week. On my fitbit online dashboard it is shown correctly. My Inspire 3 shows this as Mountain Biking. I do not even have this as a possible selection on my Inspire 3.
09-26-2023 08:48
09-26-2023 08:48
The same thing happened to me today -- I selected Biking as the activity, but my battery died half way through the ride (I assume that caused the problem). I eventually noticed that Mountain Biking (or sometimes it shows up as Outdoor Biking) is in the list of "auto recognized activities". To find these, from the main page, click on "Exercise days", from that page, select the "kebab menu icon" (the three dots in the upper right hand corner), then select "Activity settings" and you'll see a list of "Auto Recognized Exercises".
I removed all of these from the old app because it kept thinking I was swimming when I folded laundry. Apparently they added them all back in against my will when I went through the migration (I was on a subway train at the time though, so maybe I missed a step in the migration dialogue in my hurry).
Also, the fact you list of recent activities is buried under "Exercise days" and if it's Sunday morning or early enough in the week that you haven't done anything, you won't realize you've come to the right place because nothing shows up until you click the arrow to go to the previous week says loads about the amount of thought that went into this design...
09-28-2023 06:50
09-28-2023 06:50
All my old biking workouts have also been changed to "mountain biking" this happened after the last update. There is no way to change them back.
09-30-2023 22:43
09-30-2023 22:43
I have the same problem after the "update". Did you find a fix?
10-01-2023 06:36
10-01-2023 06:36
If you check out this thread, the part where you can't edit the activity has been reported. Aside from hopefully getting that bug fixed, I think we just have to live with the new features whether we like them or not.
10-07-2023 11:16
10-07-2023 11:16
Happened to me this morning, in Florida with no mountains nearby. Only show up in Zone Minutes, not the previous Exercise detail screens, and shows a Mountain Bike. When trying to edit the option shows up correctly as Outdoor Bike but does not update the zone minute entry.