04-13-2016 06:17
04-13-2016 06:17
04-14-2016 05:07
04-14-2016 05:07
It's nice to see our Community is growing @Asrichards! Welcome my friend! Since you recently updated your Android device to OS 6.0 (Marshmallow) you must have location services turned on to sync your tracker. With this latest update, Google changed the permissions for Bluetooth syncing, requiring the use of location services. For more information about the latest Google permission requirements, see Google’s Android 6.0 Changes document here. For your weekly reports, please know that your tracker needs to be synced the 7 days so your weekly report is accurate. Maybe the syncing issues cause your weekly report to show some discrepancies.
Let me know the outcome!
04-14-2016 09:36
04-14-2016 09:36
04-18-2016 04:29
04-18-2016 04:29
Hey there @Asrichards thanks or the update my friend! I'd like to know if your Internet and Bluetooth connection are working correctly? Also, can you try the steps provided in this thread.
I hope this helps, let me know if it works!