05-26-2022 13:39
05-26-2022 13:39
I have a fitbit sense and am running the fitbit app on Android 12 on Pixel 5, all system/apps software updated to the latest. Fitbit sense is running latest firmware. I wear my Sense every day, but only sporadically to sleep.
I have observed missing resting heart rate (RHR) data that can last for several days in the past. At this time, it's gone missing for a whole 1.5 weeks. Today is 2022-05-27 and in the app, 2022-05-16 is the last day for which there is a reported resting heart rate. Naturally, the graph also stopped on that day. However, the actual heart rate data (yes, I weat the sense every day) is evidentally all there. ie. when I go into the daily heart rate chart by tapping on 2022-05-16, I can then swipe right to see all the heart rate data for all following days all the way to today. Each day has substantial number of hours logged, so I would not think RHR is missing because too llittle data recorded each day.
I have so far done the following multiple time to try to fix, without any success:
I see a few posts (1, 2) in the forums regarding the same problem, but it's unclear whether any solution/resolution was reached for these threads. I would've imagined that if these were fixed over time, with me being on the latest app versions, and device firmware, this would/should not be a present issue.
Anyone else experiencing this and/or knows a solution?
05-27-2022 17:32
05-27-2022 17:32
I believe the app is at fault. I created three accounts and the RHR froze on the two first accounts after about ten days. On my newest account (this morning), the Fitbit device shows accurate RHR. I logged out, reset my Fitbit on my old account and low and behold there is the frozen RHR at 68, even though the stats page says (erroneously) its 65. Same wrist, same device. There is clearly a problem created by the app and how it syncs to the device. Try setting up a new account in your device and see if you get the same result. Now there is no more developer contact I really don't think there is a way to address this with the app designer/developer.
05-27-2022 21:25
05-27-2022 21:25
Thank you JammyB. I am also of the fairly firm belief that this is an issue with the app. I hope Fitbit is able to address in this manner.
05-30-2022 16:38
05-30-2022 16:38
Good O. I'm not sure what point you're making, the app is what appears to be at fault. We aren't discussing low RHR per se, we're discussing faults in Fitbit products that seem to be reported frequently with little action from Google, the owner of the product.
It would be nice if Google stopped dodging the ball on the heart rate issue. I know this is the last Fitbit I'll buy unless the function is repaired.
05-30-2022 16:48
05-30-2022 16:48
I second JammyB's sentiment. This has been frustrating. I am now actively looking at other non-fitbit options to move to.
For the record, RHR returned to the chart for 2 days momentarily, without me having done anything different, and has gone missing-in-action again for a few days now.
05-31-2022 04:14
05-31-2022 04:14
06-30-2023 08:40
06-30-2023 08:40
Yes. charging $10 a month for faulty application isn't worth it. too bad the app is so flimsy and glitchy. I got the 6 months free and noticed too much inconsistencies and things not working right. so long. Fitbit!