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Sleep data with new layout

I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently.  Have others noticed this?

I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are

Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


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866 REPLIES 866

Why? That’s the question that Fitbit and Google are both reading and both refusing to answer. 

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I agree whole heartedly.   And, I don't think Fitbit is being honest. When the new one came up it said it had features it didn't.  The benchmark and oxygen variation were "dead".   Neither showed when tapped.  This morning, a month later,  those feature woke up, still in its new infinitely difficult to read dull color on off white background.  They must have hired a relative of the boss as a developer and no one has guts to tell him or her it is awful.

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Not only is the new interface awful but the sleep data is now totally inaccurate… before the change my sleep data matched up to what I know was true.., since the change it says I am experiencing REM sleep (dreaming) when I know I am awake, up, working on a computer and drinking coffee! 
Clearly FitBit don’t care about these complaints as evidenced by their total silence but it’s still a stark response to their CUSTOMERS….😳

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I'm amazed that Google/Fitbit are not listening! You can see from these posts that people are beginning to abandon Fitbit in favour of alternatives.

Perhaps they don't care. Perhaps it's all part of a bigger plan.

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I am considering leaving Fitbit.  Anyone have suggestions about a different sleep tracker?   I have Android Samsung Galaxy S.

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What have yo done to the app?  It’s terrible. Following sleep patterns heat rates etc the new graphs are hard to understand and useless. Return to the way they read prior to the update. This is really poorly designed

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100% agree that the new graph is AWFUL and HARD to read. This does no lt improve the product in any way!

I might switch back to my SAMSUNG Watch! At least I can read the sleep graph!

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I too have a Samsung android phone. Was so frustrated by the revised Fitbit app, I bought the cheapest Smartwatch off the "Jungle." The $31 generic does everything that the Fitbit did, but can also show you phone notifications. Happy to save a boat load. All these watches are manufactured in the same Chinese factory, anyway. The brands just tweak their app. Happy to not pay for their marketing anymore.

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Looks like more and more people exploring other options....sad to see usedToBeFit bit go away like that. 

Just do a "git revert" and make everybody happy Google

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Just noticed another update for the app is available today, did anybody try it yet? 

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Got an Apple watch and am amazed at all that shows up on the watch. Not wild about sleep app option that's part of Health app. It really doesn't show anything but total time. Additional options are listed, but nothing is showing up on them. Downloaded ShutEye, but it's got too much on it and doesn't split out sleep levels like old FitBit app did. Any recommendation on sleep apps for IOS?

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I am dropping my Premium and will be looking at a Garmin. This new update is difficult and incomplete. Unfortunately big corporations don’t  listen. I will not renew my subscription.



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Good info, thanks. Keep us posted because for many of us, this is a medical
issue and the sleep stats are the most important part of the watch.

So, what's important is not always the price..but what you get in the
software re sleep.

So far I'm hearing others enjoying saving money with a cheap watch, but it
may satisfy other needs.

Fitbit really ruined it's sleep software .not only hard to see but also hard
to understand. It needs to be revisited, analyzed and redone..mine is no
longer accurate. Says I'm sleeping when I'm not and vice versa occasionally.

The BENCHMARK needs actual hours and minutes next to it for comparison, not
just an unreadable little graphic.

A really good idea is a NEW post from a moderator representing Fitbit asking
for us to list all the issues that need to be addressed. That gives us an
opportunity to get their (awful) revised edition with all that we've enjoyed
in the past. But, that means they need to be proactive and want to better
their product. Maybe that's a lot to expect??


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I really don’t think they are listening and if they are, they’re probably ignoring must be thousands of messages regarding the same issue

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Please return the app icons back to the way it was 2 years ago. Everything is absolutely messed up!  I can’t even read the sleep chart anymore. It’s all more difficult and unattractive. I have enjoyed Fitbit until recently when you changed and messed everything up. Change for the sake of change isn’t always a good thing. I don’t like it now. 

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The new update is horrible. It’s harder to read at a glance. I was hoping there was a way to revert back to the old. 

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The new displays in the ap are absolutely horrible and a significant downgrade from the old displays on iPhone. From sleep tracking to the daily step page, everything is much worse. Can we go back?

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I hate the new updated sleep recording . It's not accessible, harder to read and I've given up. 

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I’ve been designing software/UI for 25 years and the changes to the sleep graphs are shockingly bad. You should never break up bar graphs with text in between the bars. The brain doesn’t process data well when you have to alternate between reading text and bars. Much better to have text at the left axis (dimensions - Deep, Light, REM, Awake) and/or as a label (value) at the end of the bars. That allows you to keep the bars together for easy comparison. Stunned that they got rid of the reference band/line values. What’s the point of a reference band if you can’t see what the values are at the upper/lower end of the range (which you used to show). Now my sleep is being compared to an unknown blob. Same thing for the reference point for my 30 day average. I used to be able to see what my 30 day average is (as a number) but now it’s just a random dot. I know it’s supposed to be a percentage of total sleep, but if I were new to Fitbit, I wouldn’t even know whether it was meant to be my number of minutes or % of sleep over the last 30 days (again, no clarity on either what it represents or what the value is). The old graphs worked. The sleep time series stinks, too. Same issue - breaking up the line with text, so it’s no longer a time series line. I don’t know what you’d call it. It was beautiful before. The only change I kind of understand is the change to color-blind-friendly colors, but even there it would be nicer to have an option, because the old colors made more sense for a non-color- blind person. Tweaks to make: you HAVE to label the reference lines/bands with values. I’d even be happy if I could click on the band or point and see a values in a tool tip (though still wouldn’t be as good as the original graphs). You also have to remove the text between the bars and put them at the axis and/or end of the bars. Data visualization principles 101, Google! 

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The new sleep dashboard metric look is cheap looking and rather useless compared to the former look. Google strikes out again. Worst decision ever for Fitbit to align with Google. Bring back the original format and leave Google in the dust!

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