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I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently. Have others noticed this?
I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.
04-13-2024 00:49
04-13-2024 00:49
Hi, this is my first time posting on here. Because of the new update, I am unable to find out how to "begin sleep" in the sleep menu. I don't like scheduling them or marking down their times because that isn't helpful to figure out what is working best for my body. If anyone knows how to get to "begin sleep" now, please let me know!
04-13-2024 04:00
04-13-2024 04:00
Hello @BathroomTile and welcome to the Community. I apologize if I'm misreading what you wrote. The Charge 6 tracks sleep automatically. You need to track sleep automatically to get sleep stages. You should not start or stop your sleep tracking in the app.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
04-13-2024 06:17
04-13-2024 06:17
Really not liking the change of display on phone for time slept. The one that originally was with the watch could be expanded and was easier to understand.
04-13-2024 08:48
04-13-2024 08:48
I agree. My sleep doctor wants to know the sleep level percentages, not minutes at each level.
04-13-2024 08:50
04-13-2024 08:50
Hi @Susanhill1910 there were changes made and this article explains them - click to read
04-13-2024 12:04
04-13-2024 12:04
Hello @SWT53
The percentages for each sleep stage are still available. Tap on either the Benchmark or 30 day average icon to see the percentages.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
04-13-2024 14:17
04-13-2024 14:17
The update is horrible and inaccurate! Shows I got 2 hours and 49 minutes of sleep which is wrong plus the rem deep and other sleep measures are missing. SMH
04-14-2024 07:40
04-14-2024 07:40
Not a great update. A step backwards as far as I can see. All sleep data compressed onto a single page almost impossible to read. Crazy
04-14-2024 23:49
04-14-2024 23:49
It took a while, but the design team has finally found a way to ruin the look of the sleep stages data on the charge 5. It now fits the childlike aesthetic of the rest of the app's interface. Plus it no longer totals the time in individual stages, you have to do the math yourself. I wasn't even aware of this update, it just happened. Hate the whole thing now, and after 7 years devotion I'm going to find another product. Great work, Google.
04-15-2024 23:25
04-15-2024 23:25
My Charge 5 changed a couple of days ago and I AM NOT HAPPY. I didn't buy this reduced-feature, almost worthless toy. My sleep graphs are GONE, replaced by lines with blobs on them. I can't tap the timeline to see the exact time stamp for a given sleep stage. I have no idea when I fell asleep or when I woke up. Is it legal for the company to change the product you bought from them so that it is unrecognizable? Can a company force you to buy a new product by wilfully downgrading the one you already bought? They didn't provide an "update," they KILLED THE PRODUCT. I want REPARATIONS!!
04-16-2024 02:38
04-16-2024 02:38
I'm not a dinosaur who hates change BUT I now hate everything that the updates have done to the fitbit app and the whole user experience in general. Since the 'new look' rolled out, followed by the recent change to the sleep stages view, I can't stand it and am looking for an alternative to fitbit! (I'd happily stay if there was the option to revert back to how it was!!) Seems like many many others also feel the same, but despite the feedback, there doesn't look like there will be any acknowledgement that there has been a massive error of judgement on this one, or any chance of undoing these changes by those who are in a position to make the changes!
04-16-2024 03:33
04-16-2024 03:33
I don't like the new app update. I DONT like how the sleep score has changed. Doesn't tell u hardly anything now. Doesn't tell u deep sleep, rem, nothing. There is no blood oxygen or the graph if high. U can't go down and look thru each day on the whole page, which was more convenient. What good is it now??? Lot less and 💩. Also with all the updates, I am clearing my data in settings on my luxe to resinc my fitbit luxe every week. Every morning I pull down on my screen, in the app, to refresh it and won't since. I've never had to resinc my fitbit luxe so much. Seems like fibit getting worse, especially the app now. Wish it would go back to the way it was!!!
04-16-2024 03:43
04-16-2024 03:43
Me too!!! It's terrible! I use mine extensively and I highly recommend it to my patients and now the data is far less useful!! HOW DO I GO BACK TO PREVIOUS FORMAT?!!
04-16-2024 04:25 - edited 04-16-2024 04:26
04-16-2024 04:25 - edited 04-16-2024 04:26
Which Android App version shows sleep this new way? I am at 4.14 but it still shows sleep data the old way? Confused
04-16-2024 05:02
04-16-2024 05:02
I'm with you. I don't care for this new look.
04-16-2024 05:28
04-16-2024 05:28
Same here! Fitbit, REVERSE THIS UPDATE!
04-16-2024 06:31
04-16-2024 06:31
Dear Google -
We get it. In your quest to make the world all things Google, you bought a good product and your desire to convert the masses made it more difficult last fall. No, I do not want a serving platter for a fitness watch. I like my Charge 3 and Charge 4.
Last year, you made changes that NONE of liked and you made it more difficult to see what we want to see like we could on the old app. NOW you've messed with the Sleep Tracker. Which looks like a lame seismograph or Fisher Price heart monitor that is almost unreadable.
The problem is, you never asked us if we wanted or needed these changes or included some of us regular folk in your testing. You are like the IT guy who was treated awfully in high school and are now exacting your revenge by "upgrading" our app - a couple of million total strangers. And tanking a good product in the process to get us to buy Google products.
Oh, and Fitbit - you sellouts did this.
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Agreed, this update makes bad and inaccurate data hard to read.
P.S. I did not choose FitbitUser331 as my user name,
I chose
..... but somehow after 8 years it now no longer meets you community guidelines and you helpfully changed it for me....
Moderator Edit: Formatting
04-16-2024 07:24
04-16-2024 07:24
Horrible horrible update. May go back to analog watch.