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Sleep data with new layout

I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently.  Have others noticed this?

I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are

Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


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838 REPLIES 838

Among all the other mind-numbingly thoughtless modifications it now seems that the sleep portion no longer catches naps.  I did a lot of yard work earlier today and around 3:30 PM laid down for about an hour.  I was definitely sleeping for most of this hour.  However, where previously Fitbit would catch an afternoon nap and add the time asleep to the daily total, it appears that functionality, among many others noted here, either was removed or no longer works.  I know the arrogance of the development team will not allow for it to happen, but so many things have been screwed up they should reinstate the previous version (actually 3.9 if I were to be honest to fix what they screwed up last September) and rethink the modifications to the sleep portion of the app.  Running ideas by the community, while clearly a novel and never considered approach, might reduce that level of anger and angst over changes and possibly ultimately provide something meaningful and helpful to we who have relied on this product and application to monitor and manage our health and activity status.  Trust has been broken and like with any relationship, trust broken is very hard to repair.  For many, myself included, it will require a real effort to right the wrongs perpetrated on we users if there is any hope of halting the migration away from Fitbit and any other Goggle device.  The clock is ticking.

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The new update is terrible! Hard to read , difficult to understand. Doesn't show the benchmark as well as it used to. I liked the individual graphs for rem sleep, activity & light sleep! Please give us back what we had!

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The update to the sleep section of the Fitbit app is a backward step. I’m so disappointed that it’s been changed. Please stop messing with the app. The layout of it has always been one of the key reasons why Fitbit has had such a big advantage over the fitness wearables of rival manufacturers. The recent changes are definitely eroding that margin. The information and layout are now harder to read and less intuitive - not at all an improvement I’m afraid. Please, please revert to the old layout.

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I agree, I forgot to mention that in my post. What were they thinking???

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The new sleep tracker chart is much harder to read than the previous version. 

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Since the update my sleep time starts after midnight no matter what time I go to sleep. This means I’m now averaging about 4.5 hours of sleep. The new graph I’m not a fan of but will get used to it. 

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LIES! PROPAGANDA! The Fitbit app has gone steadily downhill since Google acquired it. 1st, the activity section lost the ability to record a bunch of useful activities making that section of the app unusable. Now, the sleep section is harder to read, spread out over several screens, & does not display benchmarks! To post positive information about this app is dishonest & betrays an unhealthy bias. Tell the truth--Google has ruined a useful application & refuses to correct its errors!

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The update is horrible for sleep tracking!  It's umpossible to read and "benchmark" isn't there either.  Why do companies insist on fixing something that isn't broken?   Please, please put it back to the way it was!!!  

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Why is it so hard to get a sleep score? It’s supposed to give you a sleep score if it’s able to track your sleep for more than a few hours. My Fitbit does good at that but I don’t get the sleep score. 

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It is awful!
Sent from my iPhone
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I hate the messy new layout. The previous layout was clear and easy to take in. In addition it gave an overall sleep quality verdict 'good', 'average' and 'poor' which I really liked. Can we pls have the old layout back.  

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You cuks have gotten thousands of message to go back to the last version. Bet I’ll just bet you fat bastards won’t do. I challenge you, no double dog dare you to put it back the way it was, a user friendly and quite pleasant feature of your great app. 

yall effed up so go back and fix it!

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Why would that have changed. Please re-up the former view. It is not helpful. 

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Complete and utter boneheaded failure on the new sleep format of the app… what in the world is FitBit thinking, perhaps Google is trying to sink this ship, that’s how bad a move this was!!!

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@chipfrazier exactly :hundred_points:!

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Totally agree with you. Change doesn't bother me normally but this is just awful. It's virtually impossible to read and understand. Too much info on one page. Please revert back , I think there is enough support on this forum for you to realise that it's not a good look.

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I just today had to update my I am very disappointed in this new update! It used to be so easy to use and read the sleep scores . Now it reads like a formal medical graph. Not user friendly at all. I am using the Fitbit premium right now but will cancel soon. I’m hoping when I cancel the graphs and how they look will be much easier to read. I don’t see anywhere to make adjustments . Come on folks( google) this app was enjoyable and easy to get around . You know the old saying@ if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.!” Why do you always feel the need to change things when they were so easy to use. I mainly use the sleep app. Now I feel I have to read medical records just to see my sleep log/ session. I haven’t even looked at how the steps are going to play out . Im a pretty computer savy 74 year woman . I just like to see the sleep graph with these older eyes a bit easier. Not all those think the lines y ou just added are helpful info. A little help here , also you folks sitting at your computers and thinking this stuff up, we are not all 25 year olds! Older folks have lots of issues with sleep, so let’s help them to read those kooky graphs you just forced on all of us!There are still a lot of seniors using your product and I’ll guarantee you just did not make their day!! It’s also almost impossible to put your fingers on the sleep graph , to read sleep stages and numbers. To finicky, it’s a long thinnnnn line that most of the time doesn’t move. This new look of the sleep graph is ridiculous . Not user friendly at all.

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Absolutely hate this new graph! Why would they change such a good thing? Tempted to switch to something else now after years of different fitbits. 

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The new sleep layout SUCKS.

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Couldn't agree more. Well said that lady !!

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