07-30-2019 11:42 - edited 01-16-2020 09:35
07-30-2019 11:42 - edited 01-16-2020 09:35
Fitbit Update: 9/12/19
Hey all!
We're still investigating and working on a fix for this text notification issue on Android.
In addition to not receiving the correct text notification, we're now aware this is also affecting call notifications. Some of you may only see a previous caller's name and not the person actually calling you at the time you're receiving the notification.
When we have more information for a fix, we'll announce it here in this thread. Please stay tuned for updates!
Fitbit Update: 7/30/19
Hi everyone.
We're aware of these issues with receiving only the sender's name from your text messages. This appears to have started with the Fitbit for Android app version 3.0. If you're experiencing this yourself with your Fitbit device, please know we're working on a fix.
While our team investigates this further, we just ask for your patience. Once I have information for a fix, I'll make an announcement here on this thread.
Want to get more steps? Visit Get Moving in the Health & Wellness Discussion Forum.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
07-24-2019 11:43
07-24-2019 11:43
Hi. I have a Samsung Galaxy S10+. It was working fine until the last fitbit update. All notifications work fine except the text message feature. It shows the senders name but not the actual message. I work in IT and totally understand that not all devices are supported\tested with your software and hardware. To say "tough luck" is not a good answer for fitbit customer service. Stating you have found a bug and you are trying to fix the bug IS an acceptable answer. Samsung is a sales leader in android phones and all of their phones "should" work with your products. Again, it worked fine until the last update. I too have a Galaxy watch, but I like my fitbit better for wearing on my non watch hand and it does track steps and sleep better. You make the best wrist worn trackers. So I will not threaten to leave, but I will say please pass all of this information people have collected here to the developers...they will eventually fix the problem and we will be happy again:-) Please just post there is a bug and you are working hard to fix it..people will forgive you:-)
07-24-2019 11:52
07-24-2019 11:52
The lack of response from Fitbit on this issue just lost me as a customer. I bought a Samsung Galaxy watch to go with my phone. I'm done with Fitbit.
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Yup....I agree! I will give them till next week to resolve it, If not
than bye bye Fitbit and hello Samsung Smart Watch.
Moderator edit: Removed personal information
07-24-2019 12:06
07-24-2019 12:06
Hi DSeats,
I wouldn't think twice if I was you...
Wish I'd switched sooner...
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@NFox wrote:
I'm giving up, between this and the display screen that just split down the middle with no explanation, I'm switching to a garmin. I will miss my fitbit tracked history, but with no response to this issue over the days since we all started commenting and they realized it was a bigger issue than just a few people's settings I'm really disappointed in Fitbit and am moving on 😞 - They were amazing in their first few years of getting big but have declined in support and customer service since then 😞
I have had the same issue, my screen randomly split 8 months ago with ni explanation! And not my text notifications dont work properly, ive veen given the run aroynd from support for days then when i did everything they asked me to do (including a phone system update that stuffed my phone) and now they're ignoring me! Rude pricks... Fix the issue and stop blaming everyone's phones! You've lost a heap of loyal fitbit customers over this and your rudeness is appalling fitbit!
Moderator edit: Word choice
07-24-2019 14:14
07-24-2019 14:14
It's happening to me too. Glad I'm not the only one. Thought I'd have to order another fitbit or go somewhere else. It's frustrating because I can't have my phone on me at all times and I need to know if the text is important or not.
07-24-2019 14:46
07-24-2019 14:46
Just as suddenly as I stopped receiving notifications Sunday, I suddenly started receiving them again last night. Just weird.
07-24-2019 14:50
07-24-2019 14:50
Same thing here. Another lost formerly loyal customer.
07-24-2019 14:51
07-24-2019 14:51
Dseats, I waited around for nothing and got the Samsung and it's super fun. And it looks nice too.
07-24-2019 14:51 - last edited on 07-24-2019 19:29 by LiliyaFitbit
07-24-2019 14:51 - last edited on 07-24-2019 19:29 by LiliyaFitbit
I am so happy for you. But my fitbit is still not working
properly.....just a little frustrating. But I will continue to be patient
and wait for the software to be fixed.
Moderator edit: personal info removed
07-24-2019 15:58
07-24-2019 15:58
Hello Fitbit friends. My co worker and I are having the same issue! We both gave the Charge 2. Hopefully there will be a solution soon? I like being able to read the text when I'm away from my phone
07-24-2019 22:47
07-24-2019 22:47
I have the galaxy 8 i still cant see msg details
07-25-2019 07:34
07-25-2019 07:34
Thanks for the input and help.
I've had my Fitbit for about 2 1/2 years.Loved it. Feel like I'm missing something if I do not wear it.
I work out frequently at the gym. I do not need the features I had before. Now just the time, heart rate and the text messages.
I can get those features elsewhere!
07-25-2019 09:37
07-25-2019 09:37
Same issue with Galaxy S10.
07-25-2019 09:39
07-25-2019 09:39
I have same phone and issue. Have uninstalled reinstalled. Turned off turned on. No luck yet. It started with an update a few weeks ago whether ot was system or app I am unsure
07-25-2019 10:31
07-25-2019 10:31
My Co worker has the same the same issues. She has a S9. The text message issue started at the same time as mine. I didn't know there was an update. Her phone did not have a phone update.
07-25-2019 13:27
07-25-2019 13:27
Same problem, and followed the troubleshooting steps but still the same. Please come up with solution. It's very frustrating.
07-25-2019 13:35
07-25-2019 14:26
07-25-2019 14:26
Ive had the same issue. I was just with the chat and they said this is a issue with the androids.
07-25-2019 14:35
07-25-2019 14:35
My fitbit Alta HR is also doing this, but glad to know I'm not the only one! I didn't believe I'd changed any settings to notifications recently, but my tracker just started only showing the sender's name and no message content about a week ago.