09-19-2023 13:03 - edited 03-20-2024 13:00
09-19-2023 13:03 - edited 03-20-2024 13:00
Hello everyone!
I would like to announce that the redesigned Fitbit app starts rolling out today! This new app will help you reach your goals, and bring the health and wellness information right on hand.
Check out our latest blog for how to get the most out of the new app.
Note: Please be patient if you don't see the update right away, as it will take some time to roll out completely.
Happy stepping!
09-29-2023 09:58
09-29-2023 09:58
I also have heard good things about Garmin devices. Time to say good bye to Fitbit, This version was certainly not designed by anyone who uses a Fitbit. Likely Couch Potatoes sitting in a board room.
09-29-2023 10:06
09-29-2023 10:06
Unfortunately you can't.
Leave a review on the app.
09-29-2023 10:07
09-29-2023 10:07
Lots of white space. Can definitely read the large print without glasses. To much scrolling on the main page.
09-29-2023 10:21
09-29-2023 10:21
You cannot have view which is similar to the earlier one.
The new dashboard sucks.
09-29-2023 10:55
09-29-2023 10:55
The colors looks like a medical report! I just finish my weekend routine and it is so depressing to check the app. Sorry but I am thinking about switching a watch for a long time and now I might try a different brand. No way I am staying with this app, Pleas let us go back to the old version.
The only good thing I can say is that the credit card still works as before.
09-29-2023 11:31
09-29-2023 11:31
I had a post here indicating all of the other times google has recently done something to this level, to show that users are noticing, and that trust in Google is fading. Hoping that they can get some kinda direction and recover.
Maybe my mention of going into an @ppl3 store and holding an 1pH0n3, to consider it, was the line i crossed, but my post got deleted for being offtopic.
This means the original poster is indeed viewing and reading this content, but has not posted or directed anyone at google to post any response at all, even just a omg opps we forwarded this thread.
4 more pages of content since this morning. Have we been seen yet?
09-29-2023 11:48
09-29-2023 11:48
It SUCKS! Fitbit/Google needs to roll this piece of crap back to the original app (that was very good).
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The new format is terrible, I agree with you 100%
The new format is terrible, please bring back the old one,or I'm getting another device not from fitbit.Why did you fix something that was not broken???????
09-29-2023 12:04
09-29-2023 12:13
09-29-2023 12:13
Thank you! Lets hope so 🤞
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The new design is utterly disappointing. It's a big step back from what it's replacing. Who asked for this? Who approved it? Looking at the new design gives me a headache. It's absolutely awful.
bobby131313, you're completely missing the point. It's not about showing/hiding the components you want/don't want.
It's about the icons, the colours, and the entire UI. It looks entirely off.
09-29-2023 12:31
09-29-2023 12:31
It looks to me that someone is trying to simplify the software without understanding the customer...
1. Missing battery percentage - I use this on my phone to tell when to take the fitbit ff the charger. My guess is that this was done to reduce power consumption. The feature is worth the power, for me ...
2. The previous big update rendered the charts and graphs useless at the beginning of every week. Last 7 days is much more useful and is last 30 days. We have them no more. Instead, I get nothing on Mondays and nothing on the first day of the month, In addition, charts became blocky instead of smooth.
3. I use stairs as my main metric. This feature of picking the main metric has been removed.
4. I setup a active minutes goal of 300min/week. The active minutes tab, on the week view, shows 150 minutes, even though the setting is still there. I was told to submit a new feature request to fix this bug. Gaaaaah.
5. We no longer have the ability to put the main metrics we use at the top of the list. Someone seems to think I like scrolling around... I have no idea why readiness was put at the top of the list, this is a once a day metric at best. Hourly activity is however used many times during the day.
You are asking us to just get used to a loss of functionality, that we will like it. Well, I have reported several thing here, and no one is going to respond...
09-29-2023 12:36
09-29-2023 12:36
09-29-2023 12:39
09-29-2023 12:39
Exactly. And something new can be worse than what it's replacing. The new look is awful. That's what people are complaining about. Just look at it side-by-side:
09-29-2023 12:42
09-29-2023 12:42
The side-by-side just shows how jarring and awful of a change it is. It's so much less readable.
09-29-2023 12:43
09-29-2023 12:43
Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your feedback and taking the time to share your thoughts on the new app with us. Please note that all comments will be taken into account when reviewing all feedback.
About the the battery level, you can still find this directly on your device. If you will continue monitoring it on the app, I suggest you charge it every time it reaches the orange color. Make sure that the "low battery" notification is turned on, so that it appears on your notification panel on your smartphone. Thanks for letting us know how you feel about the situation. Have a nice day!
09-29-2023 12:52
09-29-2023 12:52
The new dashboard is just horrible. It looks like it was designed by a 5 year old. Why fix something that wasn't broken?
09-29-2023 12:53
09-29-2023 12:53
09-29-2023 12:56
09-29-2023 12:56
Ok you're right, it's horrible. 🤣 Does the same dam thing just looks a little different than you're used to. The nerve! 🤣
I've been using it for one day and I'm perfectly happy with it. Some people just like to complain.
09-29-2023 12:57
09-29-2023 12:57
Hi Rodrigo. Please legitimately consider cutting your losses and rolling back the deployment of this redesign completely. Simply redeploy the last version of the app before this abysmal redesign. It's such a glaringly huge misstep. I'm in complete awe of how much of a trainwreck this redesign is. It's absolutely awful. Unreadable and headache-inducing. I don't understand, did y'all not test the redesign with a pool of existing users? I have a feeling this was done in isolation by an overly enthusiastic UI/UX team who wanted to push a "minimalist" design and who didn't at all check the pulse of their user base.