09-19-2023 13:03 - edited 03-20-2024 13:00
09-19-2023 13:03 - edited 03-20-2024 13:00
Hello everyone!
I would like to announce that the redesigned Fitbit app starts rolling out today! This new app will help you reach your goals, and bring the health and wellness information right on hand.
Check out our latest blog for how to get the most out of the new app.
Note: Please be patient if you don't see the update right away, as it will take some time to roll out completely.
Happy stepping!
09-22-2023 06:51
09-22-2023 06:51
Hi I might be missing it but how do I check the battery levels on the newly released Fitbit App? The battery level on the Charge 5 is too small, always check the app.
09-22-2023 07:23
09-22-2023 07:23
Me neither. I hate the new look and feel fitbit has become a shadow of its former self under Google.
I kept going with fitbit despite issues since the takeover because I liked the app. Now they have taken that away, my next tracker, and I have had several, won't be a fitbit.
09-22-2023 07:54
09-22-2023 07:54
09-22-2023 08:00
09-22-2023 08:00
I'm with you on this. Prefer bolder colors and section definition.
09-22-2023 10:43
09-22-2023 11:35
09-22-2023 11:35
What was Fitbit thinking when they "updated" the app? It's awful! I was singing the praises of Fitbit to everyone this past year. Now, I'm ready to toss it away and look for some other brand. I don't give a flying fig about average scores. I liked the detailed information that I could always read at a glance. I like that I was able to compare daily stats and now that option is gone. The fun of using Fitbit is gone...
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Thanks. I did not know that the screen was changing. Your comment about
you can still drag the screen to sync, mine does not do that!
Sending Love, Light and Healing
Moderator Edit: Personal info removed
09-22-2023 13:52 - edited 09-22-2023 13:53
09-22-2023 13:52 - edited 09-22-2023 13:53
The new interface is awful and it's really ugly as **ahem**, I want the old style back ASAP, it's up to me as a customer to choose what Fitbit interface I want on my phone. The colors is dull and screaming white, hurt my eyes. You can't see the battery time anymore in the app, annoying as h*ll to check it on my Sense, and when my Fitbit is recharging I can't see how much percentage there is left, until the charge is complete in the Fitbit app (now I have to have my smartwatch nearby), and simsalabim it's not in Celsius anymore, but in Fahrenheit??? And I can't customize in which order the status of Heart, Weight, Skin Temp, Active Zone etc.should be displayed from top to bottom in the app as before, only rearrange it up/down in groups??? This is not okej!!!
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Please please change the new app back to the old design, who designed this unappealing boring piece of software should be ashamed or the bosses who okayed the release.
yes it can 😞
09-23-2023 05:18
09-23-2023 05:18
Totally agree. It's awful.
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Hi, @MarieWes, welcome, the new app only changes the "Today" screen and the next layer down, after that the screens are unchanged. To change the temperature between C/F from the new "Today Screen">touch the settings gear wheel in the top right corner>app settings>units>temperature> Celsius. return to the "Today" screen & sync by placing your finger on the screen, sliding it down and then lifting your finger off the screen. The top of the display will show a progressing bar from the left to right and it will tell you it's syncing. So far as arranging the various cards is concerned there are limits but you might like to review my earlier post on how to adjust them.
I hope this helps.
Hi, @Lessaca, welcome, the drag and release action in Today screen is just the same as it was in the old app, on the "Today" screen sync by placing your finger on the screen, sliding it down and then lifting your finger off the screen. The top of the display will show a progressing bar from left to right and it will tell you it's syncing. If you are uncomfortable with this action you can also sync by going from the "Today" screen>touch the icon in the top left>your device tile (in my case Inspire 3)>sync now.
I hope this helps.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
09-23-2023 08:22 - edited 09-23-2023 08:23
09-23-2023 08:22 - edited 09-23-2023 08:23
Hi, @Lessaca, welcome, the drag and release action in Today screen is just the same as it was in the old app, on the "Today" screen sync by placing your finger on the screen, sliding it down and then lifting your finger off the screen. The top of the display will show a progressing bar from left to right and it will tell you it's syncing. If you are uncomfortable with this action you can also sync by going from the "Today" screen>touch the icon in the top left>your device tile (in my case Inspire 3)>sync now.
I hope this helps.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
09-23-2023 08:27
09-23-2023 08:27
Usually after using an updated app for a few days I figure it out and learn to like it.
Not this time. I loathe this update more than when I first posted.
Isn't a dashboard supposed to be easy to navigate? Why do I have to click so much more than before to access information? Do the powers-that-be seriously think this is an improvement?
The colors are still the biggest issue followed closely by the increase in clicking.
I've been a Fitbit premium member for years. Until the update I was trying to decide which Fitbit to buy next. Now, I'm looking at other options. Seeing my data at a quick glance is no longer possible. That's a deal breaker.
09-23-2023 09:46
09-23-2023 09:46
Massive number of defects and no good place to report them. This is really bad.
09-23-2023 09:46
09-23-2023 09:46
Hi, and thank you for your answer!
About the problem to change the temperature between C/F - I don't have any setting wheel in the top right corner anymore, I have my profil picture there now, and when I'm opening my profil I find the Fitbit settings there, then I go to Units, and there it's already set in Celsius since I bought my Sense, but in Skin Temp Variation it still shows Fahrenheit and sync doesn't help or restart my phone.
Although I have 24-hours time setting (correct in my Fitbit settings), it's now show AM and PM in the Exercise Days instead. I know how to sync, no problem with that. The status of my battery, time left om my Sense, doesn't show anymore in the app and that's not okej.
I can't arrange the the various cards in the order as I like anymore, the function to put the finger on the screen, then sliding the card I want to move up or down, that neat function is gone in customization. Nothing happens, you can only in "Customize Today" move a whole group (Health as an example) up or down, and that is not okej. I only want the most useful cards at the top and the rest underneath.
09-23-2023 09:53
09-23-2023 09:53
Why fix something that was not broken. The old format was better.
09-23-2023 10:07
09-23-2023 10:07
Yes, seeing my data at a quick glance is no longer possible, that was also important for me, as being able to see the battery status in the app and not only in my smartwatch. My Fitbit app also froze three times today and two times yesterday when I got the Fitbit app update. When I was opening my app it only showed a big Fitbit logo and the it shut down and at the same time a notice popped on my phone screen that the app stopped working.
09-23-2023 11:35
09-23-2023 11:35
Is there a way of switching it back to the old interface? The new version isn't tracking exercise accurately anymore and I can't immediately see all the bits I liked seeing before. Also just generally bland and unappealing to look at.
09-23-2023 13:22 - edited 09-23-2023 13:23
09-23-2023 13:22 - edited 09-23-2023 13:23
I hate it ......I want an option to keep the old app format.
09-23-2023 13:36
09-23-2023 13:36
Hello @Donseib
From what I've read, the updated app does not show the % battery charge for any Fitbit device. Many of are hoping that this will be resolved soon through an app update.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE