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Why does fitbit require location to be turned on?

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Guys I know there has been a thread about this before, but knowone answered the actual questioning that thread.

Why does fitbit require location service to work all of a sudden? Doesn't anyone think this is a breach of privacy?

Why does fitbit need to physically know where we are? There are quitenough a few security issues with this, not to mention the annoyance of switching on the location just for fitbit.

How can we synchronise without locations services?
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I'm glad you did not go with Garmin, Moov,, Nokia, Misfit, or any of the other travelers that Android requires location services to be turned on with. 


As stated above, this was not a decision made by Fitbit. but a decision made by Android when it decided to close a loophole that allowed someone to take control of your phone dieting a bluetooth MAC address inquiry

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I'm not worried about privacy or battery usage. I'm more worried about data usage. I have 10GB/month. I have only had my FitBit Flex 2 for three days so I will see if I notice a large consumption of data. 


Did you notice an over all usage, such as 1GB/month?



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No. The connection was intermittent, just really annoying if all you
wanted to do was synch but had to dig through the settings, find location.
And allow it, then go back and synch, then go back and turn it off again.
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The problem isn't with Fit-Bit so much as it is with Google and their ravenous appetite for data, because data=money! Look at the permission section of each app (in the apps section of Android setting); it's crazy what these apps want permission to! 

There is a possible solution, depending on your version of Android and specific set-up you could use a "Location Spoof" app which essentially fools your device into believing it's wherever you want it to be (you can use any location worldwide).

I use this method for Fit-Bit on Android, and I have to use the generic (non-windows 10) app on a PC because I won't allow Windows Updates.

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There are multiple points to consider.


Who knows what Fit bit is collecting even though it says not tracking location. 

Android might have enhanced the security part of reading the MAC address, that doesn't mean location services need to be turn on. 

Fitbit app already should have the MAC address stored in the app, so it should be able to pass that info thru Bluetooth sync. 

There are many devices which sync successfully without the location services turned on. even Pebble which fitbit acquired works without Location services. 

Google might be tracking without location services, but once location service is ON many apps in your phone start collecting data. 


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Android says they are not tracking dieing a request, even though they require location services to be on. I've check who askd for location during a sync and no app or service is reported to have asked.

As for other devices there are plenty, like Garmin that does require location services to be turned on.

Now if Fitbit really wants location on, why do they not require location services to be on for iOS and Windows users?


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I am fed up with this. For months, despite Fitbit app displaying message about location needing to be turned on, I was still able to get my Fitbit to sync. However, this is no longer working. I do have a tiny little dongle to upload Fitbit data to computer, but I found it was easier to go back to my older Garmin and Suunto devices that communicate to computer more easily and without the concerning of losing or misplacing a tiny little USB plug in piece. Goodbye Fitbit, I am done. Just regret the money I wasted on your products.

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You can forget Garmin, there are just as many people complaining that they require location services to be on.


Just a note on enabling location services, doing so does not turn on location recording. It is like the lock on your front door, when the door is unlocked people are able to open the door.

If turning location services on cause the phones battery to drain. You have given to many apps permission to look at your location. Go check your permissions.

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Thanks for the reply. The battery usage info might be helpful to others (trying to nurse an older phone with a non-replaceable battery and in order to keep it charged, I keep apps and activity to a minimum on it).

I am using an older "old fashioned" Garmin that connects directly to computer or via wifi. So far there has not been any firmware update or anything affecting it.

I am just frustrated with FitBit and pricey electronics that require frequent replacement or updating. I had a lot of issues with a previous FitBit device, have had 2 replaced by manufacturer, and now with 3rd device I can no longer get it to sync without the location.


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You can sync without any app or phone looking at your location. You will simply need to turn on location services. Turning it on does not make an app request location.

It has been over 2 years since Google closed the back door in BTLE that would let a strange take over control of your phone 

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First - turning on location may allow other applications to request location. I would ask why Fitbit requires location service.

It is still not clear. Communication with BLE device requires location permission.

Location service is different story. My Fitbit app is continuously complaining about location service (having location permissions enabled) but been able to sync. How it is possible?

Enabling location service only for Fitbit and managing other apps form permissions settings is overkill.

If someone from Fitbit has more details on why location service is required can you share it?



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I've no idea. When running Fitbit app on Android device, I was able to sync despite the location notification. Within last month or so, lost the ability to sync without location being on. Coincidentally, after I posted about this issue on the fitbit forum my fitbit began syncing with the android without location again. Possibly something with Android or an update. 
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@DaAQVWwV Fitbit does not require you to have location services turned on.

Fitbit simply is reminding you that with Android 6 and above Android requires you to have location services turned on.


This is explained on the Android development site


As for other apps checking for location, you can easily turn their location access off though permissions.

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Thanks for info. 

Question 1: quotation from link you provided:

"To access the hardware identifiers of nearby external devices via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi scans, your app must now have the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION  or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION  permissions: ...."


This is explanation why permission is required for scan. Nothing I could find about permissions for already paired devices. If you have more information on location permission requirements for communication to already paired device could you please share it also.


Second: message shown by Fitbit application is: "Enable Location to Sync". Does it sound as just reminder? For me it sounds like "App will not sync unless you turn on location" and this is why I start asking questions about this discrepancy. Especially when I see it is actually been able to sync.



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To sync your tracker, the Fitbit app does not need to be paired to your phone. Remember that you never did pair your tracker to the phone, the Fitbit app did the pairing.


The app scans for your tracker each time and requests the MAC address.


This is the way Garmin does it and why they too need location services turned on.

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Sorry, but I have different experience.

I have Versa and to connect for the first time I need to confirm code displayed on Versa's screen. After that app says Versa is paired and it appears in Bluetooth paired devices list.

So pairing is happening (at least for Versa). As result after pairing process app does not even need Location permissions to communicate, leave alone location service. And app is able to communicate while location is disabled. Versa does not broadcast BLE (at least after pairing) so no real need for scan. And according to Android Development documentation use of Bluetooth scan is not recommended for communication as it reduces bandwidth for connected devices and uses excessive power for scan.

BTW, app clearly shows on screen that it recognize device as Versa it is currently connected to, so I still do not see real reason for such annoying push for location service. And this seems also attributed to Fitbit app been biggest power user on my phone.


Is there any alternative app to get information from Versa watch and sync it with Google Fit without all bells and whistles?  (and lot power wasted)




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I am not aware of any app or website that will sync your Fitbit Data with Google For. Using fitbits API and Google's API it should be a relative easy app to write.

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To upload Fitbit data to Google Fit there is "FitToFit - Fitbit to Google Fit" app.

I was more looking for an app to read data from fitbit device like Versa and store it. I think Bluetooth part of communication is not public and it makes this task to be not so easy



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The communication between the three tracker and the app is encrypted which may provide a problem.


The Linux community does have their open sourve  software that will sync a Fitbit tracker througj s Linux desktop to a Fitbit account  this however does not require any description since it simply, like the Fitbit App, passed the data into the Fitbit server.

However in the last 10 years they have not been able to defrost the data.

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I will look into that development.


Thanks again!

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