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Aria 2 keeps registering me as guest despite testing every possible solution

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I have had my Aria 2 for a bunch of years without any real issues. But today, after not having used it for about two or so months, I was gonna weigh myself and then it came up as "Guest". Probably because my weight was a bit higher since last time I weighed myself, which is to be expected. But now, no matter what I try, it still comes up as guest. I have tried resetting the whole thing (by removing the batteries and holding down the button on the back). I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app. And my log for recent weigh-ins is always empty so I can't go in there to assign the correct weight to my profile, because there is no weight in the log to assign. It's always empty no matter how many time I weigh myself. And neither does it come up on the Aria to tap my foot either on the left or right to confirm/deny that it's me. All it says is the weight and "Guest".

I have tried pretty much every solution I can find and tried things that seemed to have worked for other people, but no luck. My issue seems particularly weird since I have not come across anyone else that has the "Empty weigh-in log". If I could just see the recent weigh-ins I could probably just easily assign the correct one to my account, but alas that does not work.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

Thanks in advance!

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I just took out my Aria 2 scale after years of not using it and I'm having the same issues.

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It's good to see I'm not alone with these weird issues. Maybe it's a software thing and some new update have caused issues? Who knows.

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That could be it. I just contacted fibit phone support and they said they are not trained to help with the Aria 2 scale and they will have the right department contact me in 2 hours or so.... So i guess i just have to wait until then.

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Yeah I was gonna call phone support if I didn't get any help on the forums here. But let me know what you find out 👍

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So this topic probably only has a few more hours before it gets merged into the larger thread with this issue.

You aren't alone in this. There are many of us facing this problem being greeted only by silence on the part of FitBit. Reach out to support and log a ticket, but for now know that there isn't a fix.

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Yeah I saw that now, thanks 👍

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I’ve been having that issue too and I use it everyday.  In messing around with it I reset the battery and button, the WiFi, then went to set up like it was a new scale and it couldn’t find it but it started working!🤷‍:female_sign:

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I have the same issue. Went on vacation and Aria 2 evidently divorced me without a hearing. 
They said I’d get an email but so far crickets. 
Has anyone received an answer?

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@Avoca91  @cyberangel99  @JCS3  @StephieK  @JCS3   I might be able to help some of you.  I hope it will help all of you.  My Aria 2 makes me a guest on my own scale every 2 weeks or so, for no good reason at all.  This works for me:

  • I step on my scale wearing socks
  • I see a head with a question mark, then step off
  • I see my avatar with the X on the left and check mark on the right, so I tap the upper right of the scale with my foot
  • I weigh myself without the socks and the same sequence happens
  • I weigh myself again without socks and I'm recognized

For the users who haven't used your scales in a while, please note the following.  An eight pound difference is supposed to be the one of the triggers for the GUEST weight option.  If you are the only user on your scale, my sequence might help.  @StephieK  I think you got your scale to work by removing it from your account, then setting it back up as a new device.  I hope others don't need to do this.  There are recent posts where users remove their scales for whatever reason, then can't add them back.

It seems like this change is to correct a privacy issue, but I don't understand why Fitbit would need to do this on a discontinued device.

Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Alas I have an Aria 1, so I don't have the option of adjusting who gets recognized on the scale (points 2 & 3 on your steps). I have considered attempting to support myself on my bathroom counter to get my weight within 8 lbs of my last measured weight and work my weight up to my current level (I've gained 30 lbs since my last successful sync) but I haven't bitten the bullet on that one yet.

Yes, given all the other people complaining about being unable to setup a scale, removing and resetting my scale seems very dangerous, especially as one of the first steps is to associate a guest reading with your profile.

Thank you, I appreciate the steps and I hope that they work for others on this forum. It does however, feel silly that we need to try and figure this out ourselves with no support, when this product worked for years without issue and now suddenly isn't working and there is no official response aside from "we are looking into it".

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Thank you.  Just so you know, I did not remove it!  I can’t really tell you why it started working.

FYI, I did not remove my scale.  I would be worried to do that too.

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Mine just started recognizing me again. I stepped on weight came up as guest and then stepped back on and it recognized me as myself. I guess Aria just needed some time away for a little side fling. 
All is good now. 

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Every since I changed my login to Google, my Aria 2 keeps logging me in as Guest!  I have have contacted Customer Service Help multiple times and they have given me several different procedures to try; most didn’t work and the one or two that initially worked only did so only once or twice!  I’ve also attempted adding my wife, but that doesn’t work either, and she used to be on it (before Google).

I really think that it’s Google who is messing things up, and even have mentioned this to Customer Service, but they keep saying it isn’t or even ignore it!  I really like the Area 2; it’s so much better than the original Area!  I’m starting to think that Google is forcing FitBit to completely phase out this great device!

This whole thing has become extremely frustrating!

Gordy in MA
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Did you hear back?

Gordy in MA
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Having same issue, not game to re-install my aria 1 scale though. I did try the remove batteries for 15 seconds then weighing myself 5 times in a row, but it still didn’t recognise me.

it happened to me once before, a few years ago and after weighing myself a few times in a row it recognised me again. Sadly not this time though. Additionally when this happened last time my ‘guest’ weight was a few kg lighter than the weight I got when it recognised me 😒.

has anyone had any luck since the last post?

also haven’t weighed myself in about 6 months. And haven’t yet transferred to google

Update: scale just started recognising me when I tried again later in the day. And still recognised me the next day. Yay, but I didn’t do anything other than just jump on again and try.

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