02-10-2025 11:19
02-10-2025 11:19
I removed my scale from my Fitbit account to reconnect it to a new wifi and now it wont let me connect at all. I get to put the 4 digit code in but then I get a pop up saying “Something went wrong. An error occurred. Please try again”
can someone please tell me how to get passed this and connect it
02-19-2025 06:00
02-19-2025 06:00
I had same problem, now this sounds weird but after searching these forums for an answer I happened to see that I have only ever made one post and when I looked at that post from 2 years ago it was about how I solved my connection errors when I first connected my aria 2, the answer is I used an old device, I have a Samsung galaxy s8 from 2017 with Fitbit app version 4.14, so I used it yesterday and like magic I connected to the wifi and added my girlfriend now everything works and so does fat %, I previously tried connecting with my iPhone 15 and iPhone XR.