01-24-2025 01:21
01-24-2025 01:21
I have recently changed my wifi router. I went to update my aria scales which I have done in the past with no issues. I can get as far as when it asks you to connect your wifi to the aria scales wifi, then when I return and click 'I'm connected' the next page in the set up process takes me to Fitbit 'available wireless networks' security page. The text reads: to better protect your privacy, we recommend that you only associate your aria with a secured wireless network'. It then has a list of other available secured wifi networks. There are two options at the bottom. I tried clicking 'refresh networks' but aria won't show up because it is unsecured. I tried clicking 'join other networks' but it asks you for information that I don't have such as SSID and password. The irony here is that Fitbit won't let me connect to the aria network to connect!! I've done the usual, switch everything off, and back on again, but no joy. I can't get past that stage. So as it stands I now can't connect my aria to my Fitbit app on my phone. Any ideas?
01-25-2025 10:42
01-25-2025 10:42
Same issue today
cant even find a way to delete the existing scale - trying to log out but don’t see how
then same issue you described
02-09-2025 08:45
02-09-2025 08:45
I had the same issue and solved it.
So, I have (what was) a brand new phone. Galaxy S24. No matter how many times I tried, i could not finish Aria set up after changing my WiFi and resetting the scales.
Out of curiosity, I installed the FitgBit app on an older device (Galaxy Tablet from 12 years ago). Using this, I was easily able to get the scales added to my profile again. I'm guessing new tech with WiFi is not compatible with old, out of support Aria.
Now I have a new issue: No weigh-ins are registering but that's seperate to this thread.
02-26-2025 12:54
02-26-2025 12:54
Did you figure out how to delete the Aria scale? I’m stuck!
02-26-2025 12:56
02-26-2025 12:56
Did you figure out how to delete your Aria scale? I’m stuck!
02-26-2025 14:41
02-26-2025 14:41
Hope you got it sorted, I haven’t.
02-26-2025 14:42
02-26-2025 14:42
Hi, thanks for that. Unfortunately I don’t have an older device to do this with, so I’m still unable to connect.
02-26-2025 14:45
02-26-2025 14:45
Hi, no I didn’t. In the end I have got another digital scale for a snip of the price and it’s way better. I’ve totally come off fit bit now, I’m on garmin instead. I don’t think the issue can be resolved unless you do what the previous comment suggested, which is to connect to an older device. Far from ideal but if it works and you can use your scales again then happy days.