01-22-2025 16:49
01-22-2025 16:49
Here in January 2025 I am still running my original Aria scale. If I knew how frustrating the experience would be, I would've ditched Fitbit years ago. Now, however with 9+ years of historical data, I am reluctant to walk away from that history. If Google wants a small revenue boost by selling me MY data for a one-time fee, I'm listening. BTW, the fee should be the cost of developing the XML exporter amortized over say..., 30% of your current customer base. I've written or managed the writing of numerous data import / export programs so I do have some idea of the LOE..., and it ain't much.
Like many of you I've had issues with connecting the Aria scale to WiFi. In fact I have about a 14 month gap in the data when after moving and changing ISP's, the scale wouldn't sync at all. SOLUTION: Found an older WiFi extender that still supported 802.11b. Works like a charm, except when I change batteries in the scale and it goes into SETUP ACTIVE mode. For this latter problem, I simply remove ONE battery, let the screen on the scale go blank and reinsert the battery. Do this while the scale is within a few feet of the WiFi extender. So far that has worked every time, usually within 4-5 tries at it.
One thing I haven't found a solution for is the rapidity with which the Aria now exhausts the 4 double-A batteries that power it. I suspect it is a random loop thrown into the Aria's software to give the appearance that this non-mechanical device is "wearing out" and induce us to buy the newer one. If anyone has had the patience to read this deeply into this post and has a solution for this battery consumption issue, please post it in a reply.
Anyway, good luck to all of you in the Fitbit Aria community.