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I bought and set up my Aria about a week ago. I immeidately noticed that it was reporting my weight about 2-2.5lbs lower than my existing scale.
Doing an experiement, I placed a 25lb. dumbell on each scale getting 10 readings each. My old scale reported 25.0 -25.1 lbs each time. The Aria reported 23.1 - 23.3 lbs. each time. Since the dumbell is a known weight, to me the Aria is about 7% below what it should be.
I've read elsewhere on these forums about how an individual's weight can vary and how the Aria can report a variance of about 2lbs. In this case, I'm looking at a static weight in the dumbell.
While I can understand that I guess, what I have a problem with is consistent underreporting that I am seeing.
Has anyone else done this type of experiement or observed something similar?
01-01-2017 15:18
01-01-2017 15:18
01-05-2017 06:55
01-05-2017 06:55
I am having he exact same issue!
01-12-2017 21:01
01-12-2017 21:01
This scale isn't even close to being accurate. There is about a 32-34 pound difference. While I like the weight they are telling me I absolutely know that it is untrue. I bought this scale thinking it would be more accurate. Please how to we go about getting a refund? I have stepped on it over and over again. Each time the weight is different but always at least 30 pounds lower than what I weigh. Very disappointed.
01-13-2017 13:01
01-13-2017 13:01
I'm having the sae problem with complete innacuraccy between readings. I can fluctuate anything between 76kg to 79 kg in 3 readings 5 minutes apart. This is getting ridiculous. I'm going out to get a normal scale today. I'm sick of this.
01-16-2017 03:19
01-16-2017 03:19
This is an expensive piece of junk. 296 one day, 286 yesterday, 302 this morning, and then 295 a few minutes later. My curiosity with fitbit is pretty well satisfied.
01-17-2017 15:08
01-17-2017 15:08
I'm getting the following with my scale now, have only had it for 3 weeks -
Started at 221 pounds 2 weeks ago-
Thursday at a morning weigh in 207 pounds the wife didnt believe me so made me stand on the scale so she could see and it weighed in at 211 pounds -- today 4 days later it weighed me in at 223 pounds .... I though I really was loosing weight .... now I jsut feel fat again 😛 -- fatter than when I started
01-17-2017 16:23 - last edited on 02-03-2020 18:09 by LiliyaFitbit
01-17-2017 16:23 - last edited on 02-03-2020 18:09 by LiliyaFitbit
Mine is still doing 5 lb swings
Moderator edit: personal info removed
04-14-2017 08:40
04-14-2017 08:40
I bought the Aria scale 2 weeks ago, and expected there would be some variance from my old scale and I would just have to adjust. So, yes, I weighed in about 6 pounds heavier. OK. I accept that if I can rely on the daily/weekly weigh ins. But I can't. My weight varies up to 7 pounds with no consistency whatsoever from minute to minute in either body fat calculation or weight. I have tried stepping on different parts of teh scale to see if I can find a standard position. I thought it was me, but after reading all these complaints, I'm going to take it back this weekend and find another scale.
I love my fitbit and rely on it for tracking food and activity. I thought this would be an incredible addition to my getting healthy arsenal. I hope fitbit does something to improve this situation.
04-16-2017 21:50
04-16-2017 21:50
I just bought an Aria scale, and the weight isn't close to accurate. It's consistently off by 15-20 pounds (i just got weighed at the doctor so I know what it should be). I've tried all your "tips" and nothing corrects the problem. It's ridiculous to spend that much for a "smart" scale that can't even get basic weight right. I can only imagine how inaccurate the body fat readings are.
I'll be returning it tomorrow.
04-17-2017 05:22
04-17-2017 05:22
@LeeS719 wrote:I just bought an Aria scale, and the weight isn't close to accurate. It's consistently off by 15-20 pounds (i just got weighed at the doctor so I know what it should be). I've tried all your "tips" and nothing corrects the problem. It's ridiculous to spend that much for a "smart" scale that can't even get basic weight right. I can only imagine how inaccurate the body fat readings are.
I'll be returning it tomorrow.
Good for you. I think at this price and with their stated claims we certainly deserve better value.
04-17-2017 10:57
04-17-2017 10:57
05-03-2017 04:21
05-03-2017 04:21
I have a similar issue with my Aria. I have been working on steadily losing weight and getting back on track at the gym over the last year and bought this scale to track my progress daily along with my Fitbit Charge HR 2 (which has its own set of problems with accuracy). For someone trying to track weight loss, this device is incredibly frustrating as it will give me inconsistent readings everyday. I know it's normal for a + or - 0.5kg reading (water retention, heavy dinner etc...) but I'll step on the scale one morning with a reading of 67, next day 68.7, next day 70.1, day after 69, then 67.5... Sometimes it will jump from 66 to 70 over a weekend and back down to 66/67... I bough this scale after reading numerous articles about the negative impact of the "weekly weigh in" and how weighing yourself daily relieves the pressure and allows you to monitor your progress more consistently. My experience with this device (and other Fitbit devices - Fitbit one and Charge HR 2) have been anything but consistent. Very frustrating!
05-03-2017 06:29
05-03-2017 06:29
I finally gave up on my Aria and bought the Withings Body also. The Withings scale is much more precise - I typically don't have to weigh myself eight times to get an average reading any more. It also doesn't have what I had observed in the FitBit Aria: a "memory effect" (if my wife weighed herself and then I used the scale later in the day, the first few readings would be low, then the readings would stabilize at a higher value).
Get the Withings scale. It's well worth the money to dispense with the aggravation of using the Aria.
05-03-2017 09:56
05-03-2017 09:56
I happen to have three smartscales: 1) Withings Body Cardio, 2) Withings Smart Body Analyzer, 3) Fitbit Aria:
I step on each of them every morning, in that order. FWIW, here is what I got this morning:
with the Withings Body Cardio:
with the Withings Smart Body Analyzer:
and with the Fitbit Aria:
As you can see, all three tell a very similar stories (weights are within 0.2 kg). There’s some variation in the body fat % estimate, always in the same direction: the Withings scales consistently "see" me 0.5-1.0% leaner than the Aria. For that, I guess I should love the Withings better
I’ve had my Aria for almost four years, the older Withings for three years and the newer one from the beginning of this year. I’ve never observed any major discrepancies between them, and changes (whether gaining or losing) always go in the same direction.
To the credit of the Withings scales: they’re easier to set up than the Aria, and support more hardware. The newer one also provide more information (breakdown between fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass and water). If/when you’ve managed to set up the Aria and you’ve got compatible hardware (a router that supports the older 802.11b protocol), the Aria works just fine (in my personal experience).
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
05-24-2017 09:17
05-24-2017 09:17
How about weighing yourself weekly on the aria it says pretty much 180-176 I am also doing boot camp so this was so discouraging get weighed there and found out nope you weigh 162!!!! Um wth? Thanks Fitbit for nothing. Glad I bought this at REI and can take it back whenever -_- we have only had it two years and for the price would expect better
05-24-2017 11:31
05-24-2017 11:31
06-11-2017 03:55
06-11-2017 03:55
So this morning I weighed myself it said 10 stone 7lbs. A weight loss of 11lbs since yesterday! I weighed again and got the same weight but was coming up as guest. I put my watch on and it recognised me and weighed me as 11 stone 3. That's not even a couple of lbs difference. I diet hard and train harder all week I expect such expensive scales to give me accurate reading. Mine will be getting returned tomorrow. A load of rubbish
08-07-2017 15:27
08-07-2017 15:27
I think for a high priced scale 2 lbs is far to much of a difference. You mean that someone who actually weighs 118 lbs could get a weighing if either 120 lbs or 116 lbs. My aria scales are hopeless, they give a vast different reading in minutes. I wouldn't miss no if they were consistent readings, like I get with my 2 other cheaper scales.
08-15-2017 07:11
08-15-2017 07:11
Having an inaccurate scale is really quite depressing when you're trying to lose some weight.
For a couple of weeks, the low battery symbol has been flashing. So, I replaced a battery yesterday and it disappeared. After replacing the battery, the Aria consistently gave me weights 3 pounds lower than it has for the last several weeks and several pounds lower than the readings just before I replaced the battery. I was suspicious, so stepped on the scale 6 times yesterday, but it seemed sure that I was about 3-3.5 pounds lighter. I thought, perhaps it's been inaccurate this entire time that the battery has been low. Excellent, all of that sprinting has done something.
Then I step on it today, and the readings start 2 pounds higher than yesterday. I step on it a couple times, and it's consistent: 2 pounds heavier than yesterday, but 1-1.5 pounds lighter than some recent readings. I take the batteries out and pop them back in, step on it again. And suddenly, I'm up another 2 pounds, back to my heaviest weight.
Weight loss is hard enough without an erratic, untrustworthy scale. I'm about to relegate my Aria to the closet.
08-16-2017 02:22
08-16-2017 02:22
so what your saying is as long as your losing weight and its 2lbs out either way.. thats ok? Thats a cop out!!! I feel robbed by you guys now!! Not the answer I'm sure anyone on here including myself are looking for. Maybe try looking at the issues and correcting them.. rather than blaming the buyers of these products!! I won't be recommending you now.