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In order to fix my fitbit aria, I need to buy 2 new plastic parts.
Where to find aria new parts?
Aria platics parts, where the the two main switchs wrok.
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Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-04-2019 01:53
04-04-2019 01:53
This is such a joke. I feel for everyone. Obviously fit bit does not. Just greedy and cheap. They are well aware of their design flaws but instead of trying to rectify their design flaw they are not being a responsible supplier.
According to @JuanJoFitbit “ fit bit doesn’t sell parts or have a repair centre.”but on fit bits website their warranty states they will “repair the product at no charge, using new or refurbished parts.”
@JuanJoFitbit sounds like fit bit is just refusing to provide parts because they know what the products issue is. Fit bit won’t sell the cheap plastic rings but they can replace those parts but only if there is warranty left. Oh and fit bit as you say doesn’t have a repair centre......if that’s true how do you repair an item under warranty?
@JuanJoFitbit wrote:Hi everyone! I truly understand your frustration and how you feel about this. Fitbit don't sell parts nor have a repair center. Your feedback is being sent to the rest of our team and your comments are appreciated.
04-21-2019 21:19
04-21-2019 21:19
all people want is to have their scales work again like me. nobody is going to buy another scale from you after getting burned on the Aria. providing a $1 fix for a defective piece would go a long ways in repairing relations with said customers. Very short sighted of Fitbit.
06-29-2019 15:56
06-29-2019 15:56
Thanks for this conversation. I am now part of the disillusioned community who will not buy Fitbit again after getting an ERR message on Aria scales. It is time for Fitbit to stop selling scales or to provide a fix.
09-05-2020 01:18
09-05-2020 01:18
We repaired one foot a couple of years ago with superglue, it’s just broken again so have ordered 4 replacement feet using your link and an online 3D printing company in UK. Four feet delivered for £25, cheaper than a new scale and prevented more landfill. Mine is one of the original white arias, not sure if this convenient design flaw was continued in subsequent models.
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These scales don't seem very reliable and Fitbit don't seem to accept that there is an issue with them. Scales should last a decade or more, not a couple of years, so the answer is probably to buy another broken Aria on Ebay and cannibalise it for parts.
What you don't seem to get is that scales should last 3650 days not stop working a day after the 365 day warranty runs out and by simply repeating the same stuff everyone already knows.... that you offer no support after the one year warranty and that Fitbit won't sell parts for their scales that constantly break, you're just infuriating everyone.
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12-22-2020 08:33
12-22-2020 08:33
Just tore my Aria apart after we have been fighting with it for a year.. cheap piece of plastic has rendered the 100+USD scales worthless and now I am finding out Fitbit doesn't even offer parts lol.. cmon you are making it impossible for us to take you seriously. I will either print the part or epoxy it. But I won't buy another one.. if I can't fix it, I am chucking it and getting another brand. Killing your brand and customer loyalty
And who wear tested this thing.. the two feet that broke are the front ones near where you step on. I am guessing when we accidentally stepped on the front of the scale tipping it up and it put uneven pressure on the feet, this 2mm piece of connector plastic broke.. just poor engineering
02-15-2021 11:58
02-15-2021 11:58
Agreed - I just pulled mine apart and found the cracked feet. It's not extremely difficult to repair these if you have the right parts, and would stop me from throwing them away and replacing them with something that is NOT from Fitibit. I cant believe Fitbit cant offer a pack of replacement feet (I would buy 2-3 packs...) to save throwing a largish lump of plastic & glass into the landfill. Shame on you Fitbit!! Very disappointing.
03-30-2021 13:23
03-30-2021 13:23
Batteries in my scale suddenly would not last very long. I pulled the Aira apart after watching a youtube video. I have the same problem: the cracked feet which Fitbit doesn't want to sell to the desperate customers. The responses from Fitbit's "JuanJo" are laughable. The people forced to write these must feel ashamed as they relate the company policy to the upset (ex)customers.
05-22-2021 04:46
05-22-2021 04:46
Hi, Can you tell me which 3d company you used to order the feet? Thanks.
05-22-2021 05:23
05-22-2021 05:23
I had a friend print them for me...
05-22-2021 08:59
05-22-2021 08:59
https://champion3d.com they were £25 including postage
11-19-2021 15:26
11-19-2021 15:26
Another Aria with broken feet. If I can't find replacement plastic feet, going to become an owner of another brands scale. This is ridiculous not selling or providing a solution for a design failure. So disappointed in fitbit.
11-19-2021 19:42
11-19-2021 19:42
After two Aria scales broken with the same issue and NO help from Fitbit, I’ve switched my wearable to an Apple Watch and a Withings Body+ scale.
I miss the multi-day battery life on the watch. The Body+ has a tempered glass issue (my first scale shattered right after I got it. Withings didn’t want to replace it, but Amazon did).
12-18-2022 10:57
12-18-2022 10:57
Customer Service will typically be subservient to Sales and Marketing. Customer Service should be able to see the opportunity to acquire a loyal customer, by selling him a 15 cent part for 2 dollars. Sales shortsightedly sees an opportunity to sell you another expensive scale, so vetoes the idea of making parts available. Nobody ever follows up to see how many customers actually bought another expensive scale, and how many customers were lost.
12-18-2022 14:12
12-18-2022 14:12
By all means, please iterate some of the improvements you have made for this problem.
12-18-2022 15:57
12-18-2022 15:57
I gave up with the aria and use
iTeknic Bluetooth Scales
better made, more data and subtantially cheaper,
they connect to the fitbit application without any issues.
12-18-2022 16:18 - edited 12-18-2022 16:19
12-18-2022 16:18 - edited 12-18-2022 16:19
I bought Renpho scales, they do exactly the same job, but give a much more consistent reading, don't break and are much cheaper.
01-08-2023 14:11
01-08-2023 14:11
It works.
I did it with my 3D printer.
If you don't have a 3D printer, send me a private message.
I'll try to help you.
01-08-2023 15:22
01-08-2023 15:22
I don't have a 3D printer and there is no makerspace near me, so I posted locally on FB and asked if anyone could print parts for me. Someone replied and I sent the thingverse file. He charged me $5 for printing, which is likely what I would pay if I had parts shipped. Replacement was fairly straightforward, and the scale works fine now, without eating batteries.
01-09-2023 06:05
01-09-2023 06:05
Semi off topic but I hope this is where the market goes. Replacement parts and accessories stored in maker databases for on the fly printing. Very cool despite the fact Fitbit is worthless