05-09-2016 11:27
05-09-2016 11:27
05-09-2016 11:33
05-09-2016 11:33
Have you followed the instructions on how to position the Blaze on your wrist and how to properly tighten the band?
05-09-2016 14:34
05-09-2016 14:34
05-10-2016 02:09
05-10-2016 02:09
05-10-2016 08:58
05-10-2016 08:58
Try running without lotion and see if there is a difference. Does it work as expected during normal everyday activities?
05-10-2016 10:00
05-10-2016 10:00
@amytaylorgj if the lotion did obsorb the light spectum the the Blaze uses, then in theory it could affect the reading
This is how sun tan lotion works, it obsorbs the UV light, so that it doesn't teach the skin.
Most lotions of they ate designed to obsorb Uv and not visable, especially red light. It would make the skin look pale removing all red.
So unless the lotion was rock and stored onto the sensor, a problem with sunscreen, let it absorb, it should be ok.
As @SunsetRunner stars it would not be to hard to ruin your own tests.