02-27-2016 21:31 - edited 02-27-2016 21:32
02-27-2016 21:31 - edited 02-27-2016 21:32
I have been testing the Blaze vs the Surge on my last two walks. The Blaze is not reading distance correctly using Connected GPS. Here are the detailed results from the last quite slow walk.
Unit Blaze Surge Notes
Time 41:50 41:42.22 I pressed the two starts and stops within 0.5 sec
Dist 2.59km 2.20km The 2.20 is accurate - on both walks the Flaze was well over
Avg Pace 16'07" 18'55" The surge is closer
Hrt Avg 86 80
Steps 2953 2920 The surge step counting is a little erratic
Elevation 36.57 36.57
My phone is a Samsung S5 running Android 5.0
06-29-2017 19:56
06-29-2017 19:56
06-29-2017 22:12
06-29-2017 22:12
06-30-2017 09:25
06-30-2017 09:25
My wife and I went for a run last night, she has a Charge 2, I have a Blaze, both connected GPS. I ended up with 2.89 miles, she ended up with 3.01. I "mapped" it afterwards on onthegomap.com and it shows about 3.06. So my wife is pretty close, acceptable range. Mine is pushing past the 5% variance, which is unacceptable to me.
Would would explain the difference between hers and mine, if we ran the exact same route using connected GPS??
09-12-2017 08:31 - edited 09-12-2017 08:38
09-12-2017 08:31 - edited 09-12-2017 08:38
Why doesn't fitbit adress this issue? Why is there no product expert on this forum who can answer the questions? Or is it just because they know of this problem and can not or will not fix it?
The reply about losing connection and accuracy deviations in gps devices is not correct because strava on my phone gives me almost exact the distances of google maps... Only my fitbit blaze is off by an unacceptable amount of 20%...
I have my fitbit for almost a year now. I was very pleased with it, made incredible progress in running in almost no time. Now I know why. I went running with my girlfriend today for the first time, and my fitbit blaze overestimated the run by 2 entire kilometers on a run of 10km.... she had 10km on her strava, I had 12 on my fitbit...
This bums me out a lot...
09-13-2017 06:03
09-13-2017 06:03
I dont want mine anymore either.... too bad I cant even resell it, as it is useless
11-02-2017 20:30
11-02-2017 20:30
Mine is off, too. At a 1/2 mi. track, Blaze measures .31 mi while my Samsung Galaxy measures .51 mi. I've corrected my stride as suggested but same measure next day.
11-02-2017 20:35
11-02-2017 20:35
I adjusted my stride length today (70 ft ÷ 26 steps =2.69 ft) and same inaccuracy today, .31 mi on a half mile track with Blaze while Galaxy phone measured .51 mi.
11-03-2017 03:13
11-03-2017 03:13
I had enough of it. I bought the garmin vivoactive 3. Has a lot of bugs but they are working on it.
This has gps + glonass in it (without phone). Had one glitch (where it was waaay off) but mostly very accurate.
Also, my stepcount on fitbit blaze avaraged 13k a day, now i'm at 6k... apparently fitbit is way too generous with steps and registers arm movements as steps all the time.
11-03-2017 06:38
11-03-2017 06:38
Same here! I went to Garmin and now only average 8K steps a day was at 12-15K. Very upsetting to say the least.
11-03-2017 09:44
11-03-2017 09:44
@Medic1720 are you running or walking, using the GPS or not?
When figuring out the stride did you do an average?
11-03-2017 11:19
11-03-2017 11:19
11-03-2017 14:45
11-03-2017 14:45
@Medic1720 of ypur blaze doesn't have walk then you will need to add it.
70 feet is ok but make sure you walk up to it and out of it.. When trying to start and stop at the lines, the first and last few steps will usually be short.
11-06-2017 20:34
11-06-2017 20:34
12-24-2017 07:00
12-24-2017 07:00
This is most frustrating. I have been out of the country training alone for the last 3 months, and just ran 9 miles with my niece. My Blaze recorded 9.64 miles and her Garmin registered the run as 8.9 miles. This makes nearly a minute difference on the average mile pace. We used MapMyRun, and another map app and they each measured the run at 8.9 miles.
Why has FitBit not done anything to address or resolve this issue? My Blaze is only a few months old and I am very frustrated by this inaccuracy.
12-24-2017 20:11
12-24-2017 20:11
@CoachL Have you done a specific East/West test because in the Southern Hemisphere (Chile and Melbourne) we get a gain of about 2km/hr. North/South ok. This is comparing with my Surge. When I turn a corner to the East/West you can see the pace jump on the Blaze.
12-31-2017 08:34
12-31-2017 08:34
Late to the party : but the measurements for other activities (eg. cycling) are also quite inaccurate. A 20-mile ride becomes a 2 mile walk-in-the-park when looking at the Blaze's dashboard. (Sig line : Pedants are never aware of their pedantry until their spontaneous implosion brings it to light)