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Blaze Text Notifications

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My Fitbit Blaze (so stoked to finally have it!!!) notifications are on and the text message option is set to "message+" which is the app I use... the TXT notification comes through to the device but only by identifying the name of the sender and "1 new message"... I've pressed every and all the buttons and I'm unable to open the message fully and read the actual text, I've even tried test runs sending texts to myself and still no luck... HELP!
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Thats awesome!! are you using the message+ from Verizon for your messages
or just the message that cam with the phone?
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Yes, I am using just the text message app that came with my phone. I was also using it on Cyanogen KitKat ROM, but apparently, Fitbit did not do any testing to see if the text messages would actually work on Kitkat. UGH! No wonder why nothing I tried worked!

So I backed up my Fitbit app, (saving the settings) I installed Cynogen's Lollipop ROM, once I got this all back up and running, it instantly started to work like it should (my Blaze will actually display the of name the person who sent text, and display the entire body of text) I did this all without finagling with ANY of the settings. It just simply started to work. I do believe this was an issue with Kitkat. I could have changed every single setting, and it never would have worked, ever!

Although the Fitbit techs were unable to help me, they did try their hardest. Every single time I would respond to their email regarding this issue and it still not working, I would receive a reply with more things to try in a matter of a few hours!

Hope this helps.

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I am having the same issue, except my Blaze vibrates and says I got a message, but doesn't tell me who it is  from or what the text says.  I have a Note 3.  I would really love for this handy feature to work properly.  I would love to receive some help with this issue.

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I got mine to work by switching from message+ back to the standard text
messaging on my Note 4. Message + doesn't work at this time with the Blaze
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I am having the same problem and I have a Note 4

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It's happening to me too
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switch to hangouts as your texting app. Lotta people complain about not
being able to use messenger. but somwtimes thats just the way the cookie
crumbles. I got the fitbit for fitness first and smart watch features
second. Gotta take your priorities into consideration.
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One purpose of purchasing the blaze was to have the texting feature with
the native texting app...if i wanted a FitBit without that feature, I would
have bought "priorities" were in order and either FitBit, Android,
Samsung or whoever should update their software for compatibility. I know
the workarounds...but that simply is not the point.
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If you hate it this much just return it. Jesus what's wrong with you replied to this so quickly. If you really have this much free
time on your hands why don't you be productive and learn how to build an
app that solves the problem which is troubling you so much. Rather than
stay on this trend and hope someone solves your problems for you. I'm
sorry if I'm coming off harse I don't mean to offend you, but you people
are so freaking opinionated over the smallest things. Put on your big boy
pants and move on already
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@PhillyPete...So your comment about "Gotta take your priorities into consideration" isn't considered "freaking opinionated" ?  The purpose of the blog is to ask other people if they have the same issues and if they were able to find a resolution - not to have someone chastise you for trying to get a fix for the issue.  I actually love the Blaze, with the exception of the one additional feature that I really wanted - outside of the fitness aspect.  My irriation stems from the fact that I spoke to a FitBit customer service rep before I bought it and they told me that it would 100% be compatible and that I'd get texts and therein lies my frustration.  If I came off as opinionated, it's because I have tried to get a resolution to no avail.  Have a great day and GO EAGLES (seeing that you're from Philly must mean you're an Eagles fan, right??).   Smiley Happy


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People let's break it down again... The Blazes' ability to display actual SMS text messages when using Verizon's message + messaging app is limited to just showing that you received a message... not the actual message text that was sent. So if you want to switch to an inferior messaging app (ie. stock message app) than it will work, if you don't want to switch, than you can wait for the supposed "fix" that the Fitbit reps say is coming...or you can return it as I did, because I'm not holding my breath waiting for the supposed "fix" touted by Fitbit reps...and I sure as h*ll am not using the standard messaging app, as it's crap as many people on here have already expressed. So Fitbit get your act together... I shouldn't have to change messaging apps just to get your state of the art fitness watch to work as you said it would out of the box. Ugh...
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Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid
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Did they claim it will work with every texting app? I'd like to see that
fine print. Sux u guys don't like hangouts.
Works great for me
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Can You?

Finally now every function I bought this watch for now officially works. YES!

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Me too!!! I was so excited!
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Just switched over. Hope mine works. Fingers crossed!
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I just tried mine and it still doesnt work. I changed from my Samsung default message app back to my message + app and changed it in the text notifications in the fitbit app but still and unable to see the text on the actual fitbit I still get the generic message recevied?? Did I do something wrong?

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Woo-Hoo! It works!! 👍👍👍👍
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