12-22-2017 10:46
12-22-2017 10:46
My fitbit Blaze is just making me nuts. Getting it tosyncwith my Samsung Galaxy S8 is a hit and miss event. More miss than hit. So as it will not sync with phone it does not sync with lap top. At this point the only way it will sync with phone is to turn off BlueTooth, then turn it back on.
This is what I have tried"
1. Turn off fitbit and restart, many times
2. Turn off phone
3. Remove fitbit app from phone and reinstall, the add new device.
4. Remove Blaze from paired on phone and the lap top and paired it again.
5. Prayed
At this point all that works is shut off and restart blue tooth on phone. It will sync maybe for a day, maybe not. Then I have to restart blue tooth on phone again. I have read many of the online suggestions to no avail.
My final option, I have ask Santa for a Samsung tracker, and the Blaze will go in the drawer with the two defunct Surg's
So sad that Fitbit can't get their act together.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
12-22-2017 15:40
12-22-2017 15:40
This is why I am going to Samsung. I have Samsung phone, hope that will be a plus
12-22-2017 11:14
12-22-2017 11:14
Before trying to sync through the laptop @bill328 you want to make sure the Blaze is not connected to the phone by turning the Bluetooth off on the phone.
For steps that have worked for me see https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Charge-2/Since-app-update-charge-2-will-not-sync/m-p/2361674#M94521
12-22-2017 13:10
12-22-2017 13:10
I have the same problem. Even worse if doesn't even give me the right time!
12-22-2017 15:40
12-22-2017 15:40
This is why I am going to Samsung. I have Samsung phone, hope that will be a plus
12-22-2017 15:53
12-22-2017 15:53
12-31-2017 17:06
12-31-2017 17:06
The Blaze is history. Unfortunatly as I purchased it at Best Buy with an extended warranty I had no choice but replace the fitbit with another, I know I could have purchased something else, but not much I really want at BB or not enough $$ on card. They had no Blazes in stock so I got a Charge 2. This will be on the auction block soon. Ordered a Samsung Gear Fit Pro2.
Bye by Fitbit
01-03-2018 07:13
01-03-2018 07:13
It used to be if I did a pull down on the app, it would synch.
This no longer works. I cannot find a way to do it.
01-03-2018 09:01
01-03-2018 09:01
01-03-2018 14:53
01-03-2018 14:53
01-03-2018 15:06
01-03-2018 15:06
01-03-2018 15:19
01-03-2018 15:19