05-02-2016 08:22
05-02-2016 08:22
Not sure if I'm confused by the intent of the exercise choices or how to engage them for tracking. When I choose Weights or Yoga or Stairclimber or Workout, the Blaze starts a timer. It seems only that timer operates during the activity. It does not translate to anything remotely close to any stats of interest. So I wonder what's the point of choosing those exercise activities? What does having those options contribute to overall results? If the Blaze can not recognize steps taken on Stairclimber, why offer that setting? Ditto for the Stationary bike? Ditto Yoga? ditto Weights?
What am I missing? I surely have not seen any discussion of how or why to use those settings in any set up or intro manual. I'm pretty disappointed that these exercises are visible but seemingly without purpose. I'd appreciate any ideas or suggested work-arounds. Or are the exercise options essentially window decoration?
05-02-2016 08:34
05-02-2016 08:34
Hi there @epblum. Welcome to the Fitbit Community! 🙂
Whenever you use the exercise shortcuts for tracking any specific exercise, this is not just to keep track of the time you're performing the activity. Each category is optimized for each type of exercise for you to get the best stats about each of them. Now, if you only see the timer on the screen, you can tap on the top right quarter of the screen to switch to steps, distance, heart rate or any other stat pertinent to the activity you're performing.
Not sure if my explanation is clear enough but if you have any doubt about it, do let me know and I'll try to elaborate more.
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