04-17-2017 22:58
04-17-2017 22:58
All of a sudden today, my Fitbit Blaze stopped syncing... the battery got low, so I recharged it, but it still won't sync. No green flashing lights on the underside, either.
I have done the "restart" steps of holding the left and bottom right buttons, but all it does is say "All caught up! No notifications", and it never gets to the fitbit logo screen.
What can I do?
04-17-2017 23:16
04-17-2017 23:16
To add a bit more, the clock works fine and I can change the clock face appearance, but, I can't swipe the screen.
09-21-2017 19:48
09-21-2017 19:48
Having the same issue? Any thoughts?
09-22-2017 01:55