04-04-2019 04:40
04-04-2019 04:40
The Heart Rate chart that I get on my Blaze scales from 0 to 240 making it very difficult to get any type of accurate detail on my heart rate. I see a line from 0 to just above 60 there are no minor tick lines. I have no idea where 40, 45, 50, or 55 or anything more detailed. The detailed information would be very helpful to me if I could get it.
Is there any way to get the detailed heart rate information so I can create my own graph or is there any way Fitbit can change the graph so the user can determine the major and minor marks they want on the graph?
04-04-2019 06:19
04-04-2019 06:19
Take a look at the fitbit.com dashboard daily hearty rate graph.