08-23-2017 15:13
08-23-2017 15:13
Heart rate on the blaze just shows to lines.Tried rebooting and shutting it off and syncing it back up and got nothing.
Any other ideas on how to get it to work??
08-23-2017 15:15
08-23-2017 15:15
Check to be sure the back and two green led lenses of your Blaze are clean @Reitz
Sweat and skin do build up, a quick wipe with a damp (not wet) towel will do the trick.
Let us know how it goes, your Blaze has to "see" that blood flow.
Welcome to forums!
WmChapman | TX
Ionic, Versa, Blaze, Surge, Charge 2, 3 SE, AltaHR, Flex2, Ace, Aria, iPhoneXR "Every fitbit counts"
Be sure to visit Fitbit help if more help is needed.
08-23-2017 15:23
08-23-2017 15:23
Ok cleaned the back and still nothing for heart rate.
08-23-2017 15:27
08-23-2017 15:27
Keep waiting, should pop up once it "sees' you, if the issue persists contact customer service chat and let them know what you've tried...
WmChapman | TX
Ionic, Versa, Blaze, Surge, Charge 2, 3 SE, AltaHR, Flex2, Ace, Aria, iPhoneXR "Every fitbit counts"
Be sure to visit Fitbit help if more help is needed.
08-23-2017 15:31
08-23-2017 15:31
Ok...Thanks for the help.
08-23-2017 15:42
08-23-2017 15:42
No problem, remember as long as the lights are flashing - it's trying. If its not reading, something is blocking the "view" or the "view-er" stopped working, that's the logic. 99% probability the light or reader is being blocked vs 1% a problem with internal circuitry, Blaze is pretty robust. The lights not flashing would be a clear indication of the latter. Great meeting you too!
WmChapman | TX
Ionic, Versa, Blaze, Surge, Charge 2, 3 SE, AltaHR, Flex2, Ace, Aria, iPhoneXR "Every fitbit counts"
Be sure to visit Fitbit help if more help is needed.