08-24-2017 07:19
08-24-2017 07:19
I have tried everything...even getting a replacement Blaze pebble...nothing works. I walk my indoor home stairs, usually 9-10 steps equals a floor, but usually 2-3 flights do not log. I've tried waiting 30 seconds between climbs, walking around for 30 seconds or swinging my arm down hard to make altimeter know its back to lower floor level. Its important to me to get my 10 floors along with my other daily goals to achieve the "Wow, that's a lot of green" notification 😉 My next experiment will be to increase the downstairs steps between floors until it guarantees success. Anyone else have a solution that always works???
08-24-2017 09:06
08-24-2017 09:06
@sh0pgirl good for you wanting to increase your daily activity!
A floor is considered ten feet. I know if I put my hand on the railing, it might not recognize the stairs. Also, the count only works for going up, not going down.
Sometimes the only thing I can do is go where I know the stairs are at least ten feet in height.
Let us know what you discover.
08-24-2017 09:20
08-24-2017 09:20
I get that same problem at home as well. Haven't found a fix that will work all the time though. What I have tried is when I get on the bottom floor I lower my arm near to the floor and when i'm up at the top of the stairs raise my arm to its highest point.
08-24-2017 09:53
08-24-2017 09:53
@AlbertStClair glad to know I'm not the only one doing the Fitbit wave at the top of the stairs!
08-26-2017 11:18
08-26-2017 11:18
What I've found works best is walking about 60 steps on lower floor between each stair climb. I'd like to do the flights in quick succession for better heart rate rise but this is sadly not to be if I want 100% count. At least I got all 10 in today 😉 I always do the quick arm up even higher than highest step in hopes of being sure flight counted but that didn't always work when the interval between flights wasn't enough. I never hold the stair rail going up either. Oh well...maybe someday there will be a fix!
08-27-2017 13:43
08-27-2017 13:43
May i suggest to look at the step count on the tracker before walking up the stairs. At the top check again, if the step count did not change neither will the stair count.
Stairs will only be counted when the tracker sees that your moving.
09-05-2017 08:34
09-05-2017 08:34
That is an excellent point,