03-13-2021 02:00
03-13-2021 02:00
My Fitbit keeps adding random steps, especially when I do little activity. The first time it happened was a few days ago, within a 15 minute time period it added over 8,000 steps. I contacted support and they said there is nothing they could do about it. It happened again yesterday, but this time it was 1,500 steps in 15 minute, which is a bit more realistic, but I was laying on my bed 😂😂. I have tried all troubleshooting settings. Is there anything else I can do?
I do wonder if it's Fitbit's way of getting me to buy a new one, as I have recently been looking at them for my mum, and it's only recently started to happen.
Thanks for any help in advance!
04-01-2021 06:11
04-01-2021 06:11
It keeps happening to me, the other week it added 38k steps before I even got out of bed! Less that idea as I'm doing a step challenge and I'd rather keep a realistic track of them.
Again today it addee 8,600 steps before I got out of bed 😔
My watch isn't even that old!
04-01-2021 13:22
04-01-2021 13:22
@LottieDean @slcox2013 this does sound maddening as we certainly depend on these devices for accurate data recording. Have you each tried to reset your trackers as well as fully draining the battery and fully recharging? I'll clean the back of mine with 99% isopropyl and a small toothbrush when they ever act strangely, as it cleans well and evaporates before liquid damages anything. No, I don't think Fitbit is intentionally doing this to encourage you to buy a new one, but, if you contact support, I've read many stories in these forums saying Fitbit gives generous discounts on new ones if that's the route you choose to go.