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Sleep stages not working on Blaze

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I have the most up to date app and my iphone is up to date as well. Yesterday, my sleep stages tracked, but last night it did not. I've restared the Fitbit, the phone, installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled. Nothing worked. Any idea how to fix?

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This has to be one of the worst customer service situations ever. 

This thread has been running since March and Fitbit appears to have given up on it. 

It is a totally random problem. Different devices, different issues. 

My sleep stages works the majority of the time since I stopped telling the app I was going to sleep. 

I went on a cruise last week and had no Internet on the boat. I had 2 days at sea with absolutely no Internet and therefore no synching on those days. I synched on the days I was ashore. Sleep stages worked on 4 out of the 8 days but reverted to the old system on the other 4. This didn't coincide with the days I didn't synch it so that's not the answer. 

It seems that fitbit have wanted their hands of this but they are still selling these devices on the promise of sleep stages. 

Really not impressive. 

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I discovered that if I had a tablet, PC or Laptop, and or phone nearby, the Blaze gets 'confused' as to which one to sync with so I got only the restless, asleep, or awake info. So, I powered down all devices except one, restarted that device, made sure it was synced, and I have had sleep stages recorded every night since. It's glorious! 

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My blaze died! Stopped working!

Sent from my iPad
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Glad that worked for you.  I never have anything but my phone in my room, so that isn't the problem for mine... 

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The last two comments sum up the problem for me. 

There is a problem. 

Someone finds a solution and everyone then thinks "Yea am answer!" 

However it then becomes clear that the solution doesn't work for some other people. 

Random problem +silence from Fitbit =ongoing problem that won't ever get solved for everyone. 

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Been having on and off issues with my blaze and the sleep log. Worked fine when I first had my blaze, then stopped recording sleep all together, had to enter it in manually. Then read to re-pair the blaze with my phone, so did that, but also started wearing the watch on my other wrist for sleep. That worked for four nights, then last night it entered my sleep into my log for me, but not with sleep patterns. It logged it as if I logged it manually - but I didn't.... So it's very hit and miss with my blaze...
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One thing I didn't mention, is that I make sure the wristband is snug on my
wrist. I'll close it one extra notch at night for optimum contact. Also
make sure both Blaze and Blaze Classic modes are paired to your phone or
device, and then be certain your device is synced with it. My Blaze has
recorded sleep stages every night for two weeks now since I take these
steps each night. And, it is worth it. The stages are much more interesting
and revealing. Hope this remedy works for you.
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My girlfriends shows her sleep stages but mine only shows no stages for the last 3 nights. Am I doing something wrong or could the device be defective? 

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Nothing wrong. If it tracked stages at all it's ok. Try tightening your
wristband one extra notch at night to get it snug for better contact. Make
sure your Blaze is synced with your device.
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Sadly, sleep stage recording seems to have nothing to do with anything you can adjust or set. Tightness, battery power, sync on or off, etc. Been through it all with their tech support team. Whatever I did, it would fail to record sleep stages about 1 night in 4. In the end, they kindly sent me a brand new Blaze which did work better for a while, a few weeks of perfect sleep stage recordings and syncing first time every time. But now it's up to the same tricks as the old one - sometimes have to restart the Blaze to get it to sync, and a couple of lost sleep stages over the last week despite full battery and same band tightness as always etc. I have never dropped or even knocked either device or got them wet or abused them in any way as they're very expensive and I'm not clumsy 🙂 

I think we just have to face it, it's the hardware/software that's flaky, it's not anything the users are doing wrong, although if your battery is flat or you wear it far too loose of course it will fail to record sleep stages.

So I add my voice to the "oi, sort it out will you?" campaign here, but don't blame yourselves for this common malfunction, and don't hold your breath for a quick fix!


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There are a few scenarios where you might see your sleep pattern (which shows your time asleep, restless, and awake) instead of sleep stages:


If you slept in a position that prevented your tracker from getting a consistent heart-rate reading or wore it too loosely. For best results, wear your tracker higher on your wrist (about 2-3 finger widths above your wrist bone). The band should feel secure but not too tight.


If you used the Begin Sleep Now option in the Fitbit app (instead of simply wearing your tracker to bed).


For more information on automatic sleep tracking, see How do I track my sleep?
If you slept for less than 3 hours.
If your tracker’s battery is critically low.




Your tracker needs at least 3 hours of sleep data to estimate your sleep stages, so you won’t see sleep stages for shorter naps.


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@SunsetRunner wrote:



There are a few scenarios where you might see your sleep pattern (which shows your time asleep, restless, and awake) instead of sleep stages:


If you slept in a position that prevented your tracker from getting a consistent heart-rate reading or wore it too loosely. For best results, wear your tracker higher on your wrist (about 2-3 finger widths above your wrist bone). The band should feel secure but not too tight.


If you used the Begin Sleep Now option in the Fitbit app (instead of simply wearing your tracker to bed).


For more information on automatic sleep tracking, see How do I track my sleep?
If you slept for less than 3 hours.
If your tracker’s battery is critically low.




Your tracker needs at least 3 hours of sleep data to estimate your sleep stages, so you won’t see sleep stages for shorter naps.


And when you've tried all that stuff, like most people already have, you're left with the simple fact that the Blaze's sleep stages are just unreliable, and as the unit ages, it gets worse. I've tried everything, and I'm resigned to the fact that if I want a Blaze, which I do because it suits me in many other ways, then I have to put up with it being unreliable for sleep stage recordings. It is not worth wasting time trying to diagnose the undiagnosable. The forum is full of the same old blindingly obvious advice about length of sleep and band tightness. What's needed is for people to stop trotting that out verbatim and start banging on at Fitbit to fix it!

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Thank you so much for saying what I've been banging on about for ages. 

I also have a Blaze. I finally got it to work most of the time by not using the app. 

I'm tired of being told that if I do this or that or possibly sleep upside down with my fitbit hanging from my ear it will all be fine. 

It had worked almost every night since I stopped using the app but then went haywire when I was on holiday. 

(I got further pointless advice on that too despite the fact that it was completely random). 

It doesn't work across the board. FACT! It can't be solved the same way for everyone. FACT! 

Fitbit aren't interested in responding. FACT! 



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So I have an irregular heart beat, would that interfere with it detecting my sleep stages? It picks up my sleep pattern just fine, just says I have no stages. I even have it tighter than I normally would, and still nothing.

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I do also and it still records my stages. Be sure you are synched to your
home device and both your Blaze and Blaze Classic are paired to it. I also
restart my device and it's Bluetooth each night.
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Home device? I only have the Fitbit Blaze and my iphone7. 

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That would be your IPhone then.
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That would be your IPhone then.
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My Alta Hr is exactly the same . Records sleep pattern very irratically . Tried tightening, loosening and sensitivity settings . So frustrating. 

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Same thing happened to me with my Charge HR - worked until last night- now no stages

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