05-17-2017 23:05 - edited 05-21-2017 04:43
05-17-2017 23:05 - edited 05-21-2017 04:43
So I have the new sleep stages function on my phone app which I love. However it seems to have reverted back to the old style of sleep tracking for the last several days
Any ideas why it has done this?
05-17-2017 23:58
05-17-2017 23:58
Fitbit suggest there are a few reasons this can happen:
There are a few scenarios where you might see your sleep pattern (which shows your time asleep, restless, and awake) instead of sleep stages:
taken from: https://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/2163/
05-21-2017 04:41
05-21-2017 04:41
Thank you for your help. I had seen the article but sadly none of these applied apart from possibly sleeping in a bad position. I wear my fitbit with a wrist sweatband on top however so the pressure stays exactly the same and it's worked very effectively so far with no problems. It could have been dislodged but I've found that the last few days have all been the same of not registering sleep stages.
I have definitely slept more than 3 hours!
Battery has been fine. I didn't pick the sleep now option.
I appreciate your help, is there anything else I could try to get these sleep stages back?
Many thanks.
05-21-2017 05:17
05-21-2017 05:17
I'm afraid I've not seen any posts that suggest that it might be possible to get sleep stages back for those nights it reverted to the old style reporting.
A number of people have reported that sleep stages have not been recorded and that none of the reasons in that help file apply. It could well be that other reasons exist but all we can do is to keep an eye on that help file to see if it gets updated.