03-29-2017 06:05 - edited 03-29-2017 06:05
03-29-2017 06:05 - edited 03-29-2017 06:05
Hello all,
I just got the firmware update on Monday of this week. From Monday to Tuesday, the app showed me my sleep stages. Now from Tuesday to today (Wednesday), it went back to showing me awake and restless times, as before the firmware update. Anyone else having this issue? Anyone else know how to fix it?
thanks in advance!
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-05-2017 12:45
04-05-2017 12:45
I am having the same problem with my Blaze - slept 7.5 hours as normal. You have a larger issue here that FitBit needs to address given how many posts have been logged here since this morning.Please bring this back to your tech team/developers.
04-06-2017 06:53
04-06-2017 22:20 - edited 04-12-2017 23:14
04-06-2017 22:20 - edited 04-12-2017 23:14
Same problem. Worked for one might. Slept 7 hrs and heart rate shows for whole night so suggested answers don't seem to fit. Update. Again this week it has just worked for one day. It's annoying because I like the info you get when it does work.
04-07-2017 03:04
04-07-2017 03:04
Hi, I do sleep for more than 3 hours but it still doesn't register the stages of my sleep.. this is quite annoying..
04-11-2017 07:46
04-11-2017 07:46
Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the new faces and great to see everybody else here!
I'm very sorry and I'd like to apologize to those who are still having problems with their sleep stages not working. Our team is already looking into this as it seems to be affecting some users and we hope it's all working fine for everyone as soon as possible.
In the meantime, some of you might be experiencing the expected behavior from your tracker at recording your sleep. For this, I'd like to share again for those who haven't had the chance to see it, the post for the aspects to take into consideration to make sure that your tracker will record your sleep accurately. You may see the post here.
Again, thank you all for your patience and anything else you might need help with, let me know!
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04-16-2017 11:16
04-16-2017 11:16
I very seldom sleep 3 hours straight so doesn't help me a bit
04-16-2017 16:42
04-16-2017 16:42
Some nights it works. Some it doesn't. Very undependable and annoying.
04-17-2017 05:09
04-17-2017 05:09
It should have both
04-19-2017 18:58
04-19-2017 18:58
I am relatively new to Fitbit world, my app/tracker DID update a few days ago, but I can't see any sleep stages. Only hatched lines. Help!
04-24-2017 11:05
04-24-2017 11:05
Exactly as you described! I hope Fitbit will solve!
04-24-2017 11:06
04-24-2017 11:06
04-24-2017 11:06
04-24-2017 11:06
04-24-2017 12:51
04-24-2017 12:51
After the last update and choosing sensitive sleep tracking, the tracker showed awake/restless first few nights but only 2-3 hours of sleep, which was definitely not true. I changed tracking to normal for two nights, I got around 7 hours of awake/restless which was OK. Then I switched to sensitive again, it showed sleep stages with around 6 hours for two nights, I thought it finally worked. But the next night it stopped working. Since then I only get around 2-3 hours of sleep in awake/restless mode no matter if I choose sensitive or normal sleep tracking. It's almost two weeks, I am really dissapointed that the sleep tracking is not working.
04-26-2017 07:24
04-26-2017 07:24
Can we PLEASE have the option to turn sleep stages off???
I truly dislike it & prefer the sleep, restless, awake by far!
05-04-2017 11:49
05-04-2017 11:49
What if I did not sleep in a position that prevented my tracker from getting a consistent heart-rate, did not wear it too loosely on my wrist, slept for 8 hours, and had a full battery, but still got no sleep stages? Two nights ago it worked.... 😞
05-04-2017 12:36
05-04-2017 12:36
It's really poor from Fitbit, why won't they get the problem sorted. I now tell people not to buy Fitbit it just isn't worth the money.
05-04-2017 14:18
05-04-2017 14:18
Completely agree! I do not like the new sleep stages at all but they refuse to let me roll the firmware back... I also do not like the fact that they make you go to their feeds rather than defaulting to your friends! WTH??? The tiles on the new app are way to big... what are they doing about any of this??? ZERO! I'm looking to figure out the communication & create my own firmware! After all ITS MY DEVICE!
05-04-2017 14:22
05-04-2017 14:22
I actually like the new sleep stages, mine were unreliable when they first came out but have been solid for a couple of weeks now.
05-04-2017 16:35
05-04-2017 16:35
how many complaints do they have to get before they change the format back to the way it was
05-04-2017 17:18
05-04-2017 17:18
I'm not even saying change it back... just give us the option! The thing that irritates me the most about it is they can't accurately give heart rate & now they can tell me when I'm in R.E.M. Sleep???! REALLY! Give us the option on OUR device!