02-28-2016 08:39 - edited 02-28-2016 13:00
02-28-2016 08:39 - edited 02-28-2016 13:00
Way cool. I like to listen to books on my iPhone using the Audible app and just discovered that once you've got the app going, you can use Blaze's music controls to pause, skip back and skip forward. Seems to skip back/foward the same 30 second periods the app uses.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
02-28-2016 10:31
02-28-2016 10:31
Gosh, this is so cool @Baltoscott! How come I hadn't thought of this before! Thank you for sharing this with the Community. I was already using the MusicControl feature but hadn't think of using it with Audible.
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02-28-2016 10:35
02-28-2016 10:35
02-28-2016 13:06
02-28-2016 13:06
@Rich_Laue wrote:
The 30 second jump wpuld make sense since the Blaze is acting like a replacement controller for the normal keys, buttons, etc
That might be right, but I'm not sure. I can set the audible app up so that the same controls skip forward or back a chapter (rather than 30 seconds), but that doesn't seem to change what the music controls do on the Blaze; either way I seem to get the 30 sec forwad/backward functionality. That's fine for me, though.
Really cool that it works at all without a special app like the Apple Watch uses.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro