08-14-2017 08:09
08-14-2017 08:09
I put my blaze on this morning and it says I already have 18,151 steps!
Woo hoo??
i feel so cheated.
I restarted the blaze, and did a sync.
Still no change.
08-14-2017 08:23
08-14-2017 08:23
@Kennykustom, is it a case that yesterdays steps where carried over to today?
That is correct, restarting is only a restart and won't change the step count, but could possibly keep this from happening again tonight. Syncing will just make sure the server, app, web, and tracker all show the 18K.
08-14-2017 10:05
08-14-2017 10:05
wasnt a carry over, as yesterday was a lazy day with 8164 steps.
08-14-2017 10:06
08-14-2017 10:06
Even the website dashboard doesnt show any activity to get the 18k steps. Weird.