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Daily readiness not working


Never used readiness score, didn’t even know it existed before the latest update. I thought it was new? Anyway, the app keeps saying to wear my device for seven more days. It’s definitely been more than seven days. I look at the data and I have no scores whatsoever. Do I need to turn something on somewhere? Or is this just not functional?

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Hi everyone, and welcome to our new members.

Thanks for sharing these details, and the time taken in troubleshooting your Charge 5. I'm glad the daily readiness score is working for some of you, and to make sure this is the case for all of you, please confirm if this feature is still working for all of you.

I'd also like to recommend this help article which explains how this feature works and the factors that impact the score.

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Hello @SongMom 

This help page has the information about the Daily Readiness score (<-- click link), including what changes were made. As you can see from the help page, the updated algorithm for the daily readiness score uses information from our sleep data to calculate the score.

I've seen other users report that they haven't seen their daily readiness score despite wearing their Fitbits for 7+ days. I seem to recall that it took more than 7 days for my updated Readiness score to show.

Make sure you're wearing your Fitbit at night and see your sleep data the following day as well as resting heart rate. Your new readiness score should appear when the algorithm has acquired enough data to do the necessary calculations.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Worn every night for almost 14 days-still no score or anything. Seems kind of worthless to me. Just saying….

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Hello @Bboop 

We learned that the updated Readiness score was rolled out in waves, much like the app updates. We've now been informed that the updated Readiness score has been rolled out to all. So, it may take a few more days before you see your readiness score.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Missed a score this morning despite wearing overnight. I read on another response you need to wear for 14 hours.   I charged yesterday evening, from about 7-9pm, so my guess is that means I have worn for the required 14 hours.

I won't charge today, so expect I'll get a score tomorrow.

Makes it kind of useless if that's the case.

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Please see the link I posted in my 27 Sep 2024 reply for information about the updated daily readiness score, including the data that the algorithm uses to calculate the score.

I'm not sure where you saw that the readiness score needs you to wear your device for 14 hours. From the help page link, it states that the daily readiness algorithm needs about 7 nights of data to calibrate and start calculating your score.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Mine doesn't work either and your link is useless. 

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Yea never got it to work so just deleted it off my dashboard. Hate it when
they add in useless updates.
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I did everything I needed to, it doesn’t work. I wear it 24/7 except for when I shower and when it needs to recharge. If that doesn’t do it, then it is defective and unusable.

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Same experience for me. Been wearing Versa 4 watch 23.5 hours a day for over a year. Still no readyness score. Restarted app, watch, and phone. Things should work by now.  The defect has been reported long enough. 

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My daily readiness score stopped working on November 1, no score since then. Been getting daily scores before that. Updated the app to the latest version, but still nothing. HR, RHR and sleep score all show, just no daily readiness score.

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I can’t even get the tile to delete. So frustrating 

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Except same for me! Last DRS I had was on 31 October.

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Hello @CS2709 , @Jannieb2 , @MsFraggleRed 

I've gotten confirmation that the lack of daily readiness score has been escalated to the appropriate team. When I learn of any updates, I'll report back.

At this point, there isn't any troubleshooting we can recommend.

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Wonderful, thank you for letting me know 

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Worked fine, stopped at the beginning of November, hasn't worked since.... Really annoying as I used it all the time. App is up to date. With all the complaints - you would think they would roll out a fix 😔

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I am doing everything that is required for my readiness score to calculate daily and nothing has been recorded for the last 2 weeks … very frustrating 

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For the past 8-10 days the Daily Readiness Score has been saying “No score” on my Fitbit Sense and it says “make sure you wear your device to sleep”. 
1.) Since the Sep 2024 Daily Readiness mess-up, the score shows up sporadically. Can’t figure out a reason why it showed up on a day vs why it didn’t.

2.) Now, for the past 8+ days it hasn’t shown up at all.

3.) I do wear the device when sleeping and it is showing my sleep data. 

Any help is appreciated.

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Thanks! Mines been useless since it showed up

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Same here, readiness score stopped working 2 days ago, no logical reason for it to have stopped.


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