Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

Recovery Runner

@RickyFitbit - As I have stated before I feel for you - stuck between a rock and a hard place. But how long have you been forwarding our questions and concerns onto others now? It's been over 2 years!

The problem we have is that they are not answering you or us. They are not because we know the answer - it will never happen.

It isn't under evaluation - the evaluation that decided to go with Microsoft HealthVault is enough to also go with Health Kit, as they are very similar services.

We all also know the reason why - a head to head with Apple. At least pass the message on that your seniors ought to do the decent thing and declare it is never going to happen and close this thread down. That is what Fitbit must do if it is to keep any sense of credibility. Anything else is just dishonest (not you - the company). Keeping this thread open and under consideration is a lie so that the company does not have to go public and say what we all know - integration with Health Kit will never happen.

I am not naive enough to think that this will make a dent in your business (though I do think the Under Armour hardware will) - it simply leaves a sour taste in the mouth that a company that can produce such great hardware is deceptive and manipulative in the way it deals with customers.

This thread should have been shut down over a year ago - the fact that it is still here is not even funny anymore. Every day it stands is one more day of deception designed to keep growing a userbase on hope. How sad that a company has to resort to such tactics.


I really do feel for you @RickyFitbit because you are in an impossible position - I think I would have walked by now.

Mine was a gift. If I had a choice I would have picked a different type. I'm so mad it doesn't interface.

Sent from my iPhone

Please understand that at this point we all just want AN ANSWER, not
necessarily the answer we want (to have FitBit integrate) but any answer.

I'm curious, what have they told you to say? "We are evaluating", "It's
something we are looking into". Perhaps you can ask the questions "Why does
it take so long to decide?" and "Why haven't we upgraded already especially
since we integrate with Microsoft?"

I'll tell you why they won't answer those questions. The minute they say
that FitBit has no plans to work with HealthKit or flat out will not and
likely never work with HealthKit is the minute that current FitBit iOS
users will immediately begin to abandon ship. You will not only lose
existing customers but also now make potential new customers aware of this
huge gap in features.

They keep you saying the same thing as that keeps what little hope there is
shining. The candle of hope has burned for a couple of years now and its
flame is about to expire.

What you also miss is the fact that if you do announce support for
HealthKit, even at this late hour, you would gain a huge measure of support
from the iOS community. Forget about benefitting Apple, they are already
set. You cannot impact them by doing this. You can only affect the users.
Isn't that what you really care about to begin with?

I do hope you respond.
First Steps

Please provide integration! The "walled garden" that you have created is a shame, because there is so much that access to the fitbit's heartrate and step counting features could do for your users!

Recovery Runner

Posters old and new, this thread is 2 years old. The cycle of requests, votes, questions are just being repeated over and over again with not one official response from Fitbit.


As in past responses by the moderator, @RickyFitbit's job is to make sure posters are behaving here, nothing else. Fitbit also uses the moderator to give the illusion to new unsuspecting clients that they are being 'listened' to. As a messenger, I doubt that he has the authority and knowledge to give you detailed answers.


I agree with @iwatts that this thread should either be killed or have its status changed to 'Declined' (or better yet: 'Ignored'). A company that takes 2 years to make a decision is either imcompetent, insecure, or deceptive (or all of the above).


You as paying customers who have expected your Fitbit products to be fully compatible with iOS deserve better than this. You shouldn't have to waste your time starting a social media revolution to change Fitbit's mind. Much less coming here to beg and plead for an essential feature that should have been implemented long ago.


Vote with your wallet. Spend your hard earned $ in companies and products that don't have a strangle hold on your OWN fitness data. There are many excellent choices out there.


Well here it is. Copied from Mac world

h so many fitness bands currently on the market, it’s hard to know which is
best. It’s not just the hardware that has to be considered but the software
too – you could have the best fitness tracker in the world, but without a
great platform to display it on, it’s worthless.

It’s even harder to know which bands are compatible with Apple’s Health app
,which was launched as part of iOS 8 in September 2014. Fitbit has long said
that it’ll never bring native support for the Health app, meaning that all
Fitbit users are forced to use the Fitbit app and nothing else (or not, as
the case may be - read on to find out more).



Click here For Motorhome Owners
mainly, but here is a link to my photographs of aires, stellplatz,
chateaux, wargraves, NT properties etc. Please enjoy them
Not applicable

The status should definitely be changed to 'Declined' (or 'Ignored' as @PKDaba correctly suggested).


Listing it as 'Under Consideration' is a blatant lie. 


@RickyFitbit has no power to change anything. He can tell us that he's passing our requests onto the team, but it's quite clear we won't be getting any official answers from FitBit.


We all got deceived when we purchased our Fitbit devices. Nothing is going to change, and FitBit doesn't really care or need us as customers. They've already got plenty of customers who aren't aware of, or don't care about these iOS limitations.


It's time to move on and purchase a different device that supports iOS.


h so many fitness bands currently on the market, it’s hard to know which is
best. It’s not just the hardware that has to be considered but the software
too – you could have the best fitness tracker in the world, but without a
great platform to display it on, it’s worthless.

It’s even harder to know which bands are compatible with Apple’s Health app
,which was launched as part of iOS 8 in September 2014. Fitbit has long said
that it’ll never bring native support for the Health app, meaning that all
Fitbit users are forced to use the Fitbit app and nothing else (or not, as
the case may be - read on to find out more).

Taken from Mac world today


Click here For Motorhome Owners
mainly, but here is a link to my photographs of aires, stellplatz,
chateaux, wargraves, NT properties etc. Please enjoy them

At least stop the IOS Health App from overwriting information to  I leave my phone behind during exercise.  When I check (updated from IOS Fitbit App) it has the step count from the I-phone which is much lower than the fitbit I am wearing. 

Recovery Runner

@riverm it's doubtful that the iOS Health App is "overwirting information to". The flow of data into is totally controlled by Fitbit (i.e. only the Fitbit app can update its online server database). The iOS Health App does not actively send out data to external sites unless you as a user / developer tell it to specifically do so.


So, what you are seeing is either a Fitbit app bug or a defective Fitbit device that you have. Fitbit devices have been know to record and report its data inconsistently and erroneously. I've personally experienced this with my now discarded Fitbit One many years ago, reporting 13,000 steps while sitting in a whale watching boat for an afternoon.


Do your research and stay informed. There are many excellent fitness trackers and supporting software out there that's better and smarter than Fibit devices.



Recovery Runner
Sounds more like mobiletrak was turned on and just needs disabled although it shouldn't lower Fitbit count if Fitbit is with you. I have enabled for when Fitbit dies and usually it counts more than my Fitbit would. I'd monitor closely and see if it is possible you have a defective device and if so they will probably replace for you quick and easily.

Sent from the iPhone of Jacob Lortie
Here is a message for the Fitbit staff!
I along with many others think that Fitbit should be integrated with Apple HealthKit.
Please add this feature soon as I would love it!!
Not applicable

I pull out my request for integrating fitbit with iOS HealthKit app. I've sold my fitbit charge HR because it didn't fit my expectation. Yes, the only reason for buying fitbit charge HR is having HR data in my HealthKit app, not just fitbit.


I believe that fitbit won't care of losing just only 1 customer. But I believe other customer dealing the same problem as I am will do the same thing as me. Goodby fitbit, I'll erase my data because it's mine, not yours.

Stepping Up
"Goodby fitbit, I'll erase my data because it's mine, not yours.”

Well said!
First Steps

I would lile to see my work with Fitbit integrated in Health kit in iOS.

Recovery Runner

I find it extraordinary how stubborn fitbit are being on this. They obviously dont want to listen to their customers.


After having bought 2 fitbit (Flex and Charge HR) devices I wont be buying another one if this isnt implemented.



First Steps

I’ll do the same!


Moderator Edit: Removed personal information 

First Steps

Right now almost all other activity trackers are integrated with healthkit, Fitbit is becoming less competitive from this point of view. it is not a complicated task and Fitbit just doesn't want to put IT people to do it. it is ridiculous!


First Steps

I believe it's should be into HealthKit because it's will helpfully me easier track all some my apps fitness. It's should merge with syncs feature HealthKit. It's will best easier tracking. Also HealthKit can be into Fitbit. They kept sharing data. It's will effectively! 

First Steps


Hi Dear Friends,


Today is my first time using Fitbit, I bought Fitbit Charger HR and Fitbit Aria for measures my body weight, after setting everything up the second thing I do was to sync with healthkit of my iphone, thats because I have all my blood results and everything there, I just want to have everything in just one place even my food sync with myfitnesspal , but I tried hard to do it, and research on google and find this thread.


If I had read it this before I wouldn't expend 400$ bucks on fitbit, 


I feel so sad about this, Hope you do something soon guys and listen your costumers. 



Base Runner

@AllanAndresCh If you just bought your Fitbit and Aria, I recommend returning them ASAP. Fitbit has not announced any timeline for integration and to be honest it seems as if they feel their ownership of your data is more important than you owning your data.


I suggest getting a Withings Body Monitor which in my opinion is a superior scale anyway with more features. The Withings trackers (Pulse, Go, Activity) also get high ratings. Personally, I have a Jawbone Up 2, an Apple Watch, a Withings Scale and an Oura ring and haven't been happier.


There are many other tools out there (better than Fitbit) which integrate completely with Apple Health.

Well that's my time with Fitbit over, just got an Apple Watch for my birthday!! See ya Fitbit.
First Steps

Being that my Fitbit was purchased from Bestbuy. I have returned it within the return policy not being happy with it, to trade it in for an Apple Watch. As much as I liked the simplicity of the Charge HR, I am happier with the apple watch. Sorry Fitbit, this was a deal breaker for me. Don't expect me to buy Fitbit, or recommend Fitbit to my friends from here on out.

Recovery Runner
I dont think its a funding issue, it think its a strategy issue. And it
will damage them.
First Steps
Add support to sync with apple health kit app
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