Ability To Edit Manually Logged Exercise Type

I'm not sure what has changed, but it seems that I am no longer able to Edit Activities.  This seems like a huge inconvenience.  Sometimes having to enter actvities can be annoying, but it's helpful to have that feature.  What is annoying is that if I make a mistake, I am unable to correct it without having to delete and restart.  I bought this Fitbit to make tracking my exercise easier, not more difficult.  I am trying to find reasons to continue using it, but making tracking harder is not helping.  Please fix!  Thanks so much!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity


So it happened. It didn't take long...lol I was tracking a run using the new Exercise/Mobile Run feature and forgot to hit stop, so it continued to track even as I ran errands and drove home. My 55 minute run was logged in Fitbit for 2 hours, 11 min. Fail. The ability to edit a walk/run is very necessary to users for such occasions. The ability to edit a tracked run (to change the type from run to walk or walk to run, or to change the starting time or ending time) is essential. The ability to change a route as Runkeeper allows would also be another very important feature to add.


I also would like to be able to change activity type (accidentally logged a hike as a run but can't edit).


I agree with both of these suggestions. I'd like to edit stop times on walks, just like I can edit my wake time for a sleep log for the times I forget to turn it off until half-way through my day.

First Steps

+1 to both ideas.

The parallel with "edit my sleep pattern" is an apt one.

I've forgotten to stop the timer twice now on a logged run, gotten in the car and driven home (Yes! I rule! a Kazillion steps.  oh. wait....)

On the mobile app, you should be able to either :

1. go back and prune the run to stop it at a time you specify. 

2. Trim a segment based on the splits display - the splits display that highlights the segment is actually REALLY helpful online: when your splits on running suddenly drop to a mile-a-minute, you can safely assume you'd gotten in the car with the timer running. You can stop it there.  🙂

If you trim at a splits display, give the option to just trim that segment out, and re-calculate, or trim ALL subsequent splits. For instance, run to a store, shop for a bit, then run home, should be able to trim out the in-store section, but still have the rest of the run count. Be sure to remove the TIME associated with the removed section as well. 

Other than this nit, however, LOVE the new logging GPS tracker.


First Steps

Yes, to all of this.


Today i used the run tracker in the mobile app and accidentally hit the pause button during my run.  Now there is a gap in my route and that distance isn't included in my total run distance.  I would love to be able to adjust this - as you can in Runkeeper.



First Steps

Agree 100% 


After entering my walking and running stride lengths, I accidentally logged this morning's run as a walk.  It counted 11,358 steps vs. 4182 steps from the same run two morning's ago.  I'd love to be able to edit it to a "walk" to get accurate step count.

First Steps

Agreed!  We need to be able to edit the length of the logged exercise.


Just finished a run and went straight to the shower.  Forgot about it until an hour later.


Oops.  Messed up log and no way to fix it.

Base Runner

 +1 on this – being able to change the activity type (I now have multiple runs logged as walks and at least one hike – whoops) and trim off an unwanted end would be really nice. 

First Steps

When I edit an activity that I have already previously entered, the date always changes and it goes back to today's date. So you have to remember which date you are updating and change it back.

Stepping Up
I would like to be edit what kind of exercise after completion... Change from walk to run or vice versa when saving the exercise. Also would like option for walk/run intervals. Also, when logging run, would like option of turning off steps so it doest get counted twice,
Base Runner

I also agree.  I just went for a 20 minute walk during my lunch break, and of course forgot to turn it off when I got back. Now it thinks I walked for 2.5 hours!  So irritating.

Not applicable

When having used the tracker's ability to log a activity, the activity appears on the activities page, so far, so good.


However when wanting to edit the activity, it's only possible to add a name to.. this only gives a name to the activity but does not update with the actual calories burned from doing a certain activity.


If for example having worked with a chainsaw, it does give the entered name to the activity but not a estimated updated calories burned.

Allow to search for a activity from within the 'edit' activity option to assign a activity to like when searching for a activity otherwise but also integrated in the 'edit' option, also be able to choose from a dropdown menu (for searching from the favourites activities list) and be able to assign to the activity. This way a activity can also be updated to the other activity in case the chosen activity has to be changed later on.


Now when needing to assign a correct activity to the 'tracked' activity registered with the tracker (including having a estimated calorie burn for the specific activity), it's required to search for the activity like normally to create a separate activity log, and the tracked activity has to be deleted manually.


In addition, a existing activity can also be updated then to another activity (in case of choosing a incorrect type of activity...) and no separate activity log has to be created to update, this also prevents that the other activity would remain if creating a separate activity, but forgetting to delete the 'other' one.


Marathon Racer

I come from this more as a purist, I like to see the unadulterated tracker data (timed activity record) and give it a name. Especially when using the MobileRun feature where I have multiple records to compare with the MobileRun feature. The numbers are the sequencing in the data record creation.





First Steps

I am having the same issue I have several custom workouts that I can no longer access from my phone I have to log on to the website.  The new updates have made entering my workouts much more difficult.  Some of the existing workouts such as raking the lawn will not enter from my phone.  This used to be a very simple device but it has become a source of much frustration for me 


I agree.  Also, I want to use an available Fitbit "common activity" and make it a favorite.  I was able to do this prior to the most recent "upgrade."

Further, I don't need to see an Activity History all the time. I would like to be able to "turn this off."

The most recent "upgrade" was not helpful. I'm not able to make a "common activity" a favorite and I can't get rid of the "activity history." 

Recovery Runner

I agree with both requests - sometimes we simply make a mistake when entering an activity (am vs. pm, for example), I'm really not sure why someone decided that it would be better to make us delete the activity and re-enter it rather than to just be able to correct the original entry.  And If we are going to be forced to see the "common activity" listing, couldn't it at least be BELOW the "Log Activities" tile, so that the tiles I most want are up top?  I don't want or need to see my entire Activity History ever time I log an activity or check out my activity for the day.  Collapsing ALL activity info together into one place was not actually an upgrade, it would be nice if you went back to the old presentation.

Distance Runner

I frequently record my exercises at the beginning of the day, then need to tweak the calorie burn after.  I used to be able to do that from my phone, immediately after my workout.  Now I can't edit at all.  I don't know why this was taken away, since obviously many of us used it.  It's really not good to take features away from people.  It goes against everything I've ever learned about marketing products. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

We're working on adding the edit feature to the Fitbit app. Thank you for the feedback!

Distance Runner

Not just for the app, folks...we want it for the PC, too.  I don't know why Fitbit has taken away features instead of adding.  That's counterintuitive to give us something then take it away.

First Steps

I agree with Lightsinger. Why take it away?  Fitbit developers, please return the ability to edit activities immediately.

Recovery Runner

I do not like the latest update on the dashboard.  Please bring back edit.  Yes you made if fancier but if I can not edit what good is all the fancy stuff.  Some time I need to edit a work out.  dummy me forgot to start or shut off.  I change a workout to a drive.  Things like this.  Since the dashboard has changed it has taken me out of my habits and is making me wonder why am I still using fitbit.  

Stepping Up

i totally agree. it is completely ridculous that we can NO LONGER edit or add notes to workouts. I am considering switching to another tracking device. So many sales these days!

Distance Runner

It's been a over a month since this feature was taken away....when do you plan to bring it back??

Base Runner
I agree, except would add that editing should be allowed for manually entered activities as well. The entry screen is complicated and there are times when the outcome isn't what I intended, and it would be easier to amend my entry than to delete and start over.
Base Runner

Since you are never going to make us all happy, add hula hoops and someone will want Bocce Ball why not give us the ability to do more than change the name for "Workout"

To do it for example we could click to add a new exercise. Then we would name the new exercise and select options. Options could be GPS, Altimeter, Heart rate, Steps and whatever else someone would want from the sensors. That way I could create a Bike mode, a Paddleboard mode, canoe mode as well as a lawn mower mode if I wanted it. This would make the devices very flexible.


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