Edit Time of Daily Reset of Stats / Add Nightshift

Hi, It would be great if users could change the daily reset of stats to a different hour. We night owls who go sleep late after midnight now have to calculate the differences in our heads and that's not ideal. Thanks!



Moderator edit: labels and title for clarity

First Steps

I work as a night shift nurse, so my activity gets split into two separate days. I get up at aroud 1600 and back to bed around 0800 the next day. I am on my feet and moving at various times between 1900 and 0700 at work, and it would be nice to see these totals together and not slpit into two days.


Could we get a function to choose what time your "day" begins and ends?


I vaguely recall someone with the same issue setting their time zone to 12 hours ahead thus moving the start of thier day 12 hours forward?

First Steps
The only thing I've found that is really annoying about the app is that I can't change when the day starts. I live on a night schedule for work and having all my stats reset at midnight is a pain. If we could manually set when they reset it would help out so much.
First Steps

I don't know if this helps. I am on East Coast time and when I travelled to France. It was great because it meant that my fitbit stayed on East Coast time, so it would reset at 6 am in France. This meant late night walking was counted in the same day. This was the old ultra fitbit though. Not sure if there is some odd fix, where you just change the timezone that your fitbit is in?


Would love it if we could control what time the Fitbit's reset at night.  Some people work late, it would be nice to be able to change it from 12am to 2am etc.


what a smart idea Gravity. That is a work-around to his issue. but I was just thinking would he force be set to the wrong time everyday ? Hmmm

First Steps

The thing is, I don't really want to have to work around it. I want it to be a feature. It doesn't seem that odd of a feature to me anyways.

Keeping Pace


seems one should be able to start the ' day' when you awake . Should be able to tie the stats reset to the sleep log.

day ends when one starts sleep, and starts when you tell it you are awake.

Even for those not using the device to capture and track sleep, it could be used as a reset 

First Steps

I work night shift so I'd like a setting so that the numbers reset at noon instead of at midnight to track active time on the same cycle, instead of splitting it half on each day.




My wife is a nurse who works the night shift. She ended up giving her One to a friend because the fitbit was always inaccurate with her steps. It really irritated her, and that's why she stopped using it.

This is an issue they really need to address. There are A LOT of night shifters out there.


I couldn't agree more that this would be a good feature. I don't work nights, but I just find it so frustrating that any steps I do after midnight are counted as the next day, especially on occasions where I am out and do a significant number of steps walking home at the end of a night. 

First Steps

I would love that also! I'm a night shift nurse. I thought about changing the time zone to a location that would be 12 hours off my home, but then on the days I have off and am awake during the day, it would be all messed up.


I also have my FitBit synced with my fitness pal, so my foods eaten and steps taken end up on two different days. So many things in the world just aren't meant for us on nights.

Hello, I'd like to suggest a different way to track progress. I work nights so I'd like to be able to track all my activities like calories, steps, distance, all in the hours I'm awake instead of all of my stats restarting at midnight. Thank you
Recovery Runner

I wish there was a way to not start a new day at midnight.  I usually am awake past midnight, so I would like to be able for my activities and calories consumed to be counted in the current day instead of going into the new day.  


I wish the fitbit ended my day when I set it to sleep mode and started my new day when I wake up and take it out of sleep mode.  I know this would make things difficult with people not having 24 hours in every day, but I suppose there could be an option for people to keep it the way it is now if they choose.  


I myself though am never in bed before midnight, but often feel like I have to hurry to end my walking or workouts and shovel in my food before the new day starts.  I hate going to bed with activities and food already counting on my new day were really from yesterday to me.  


I don't know how to fix this, but I think it would be best if it ended my day when I set it to sleep mode and began my day when I wake up and take it out of sleep mode.

Recovery Runner

I have posted something similar to this request too, but I have liked this to hopefully draw more attention to this.  I do not work at night like you do, but I am a night owl.  I wish my steps and calories after midnight did not go on the new day.  I wish fitbit had a way of ending the day when we set it to sleep mode, and starting our new day when we take it out of sleep mode when we wake.


Fitbit reset at midnight and this is a fixed setting, but sometimes it would be useful to track all steps in one performance during, i.e. a nightime walk. I'd like to see implemented the possibility for Flex not to reset at midnight during an ongoing activity.

First Steps

Being able to choose the hour whe it resets would be great (for myself, 3 Am would be the best)

First Steps

Totally agree!


I wish I could set my own starting time for a day instead of midnight, or maybe it can start to count a new day by the time I wake up. 


I sometimes go jogging at late night, like 11pm or midnight. In these cases, Fitbit splits the record of my jogging session into seperate days, which is just not right.

First Steps

I am a nightowl and I very frequently stay up later than midnight and very often that is when I exercize.  I would LOVE it if you can choose when the Fitbit will reset for the day, say 2 or 3am so all my activity is logged for that day, instead of spilling over into the next day's data.  That would be very helpful for me and I am sure others who work varying shifts.


It doesn't seem like that would be an option that would be that hard to customize.

Stepping Up
I have this same issue! It is confusing to have the Zip reset in the middle of my "day" I wish there were suggestions on how to deal with this for shift workers like us, or maybe the ability to choose an alternative time to reset & calculate our daily totals.
Stepping Up
I totally agree with this, as I also am a night shift nurse! Don't want to have to change my time zone to make this work!
Tempo Runner

Agree.  My wife works nights and it's irritating that she cannot see her entire "day" as a single unit.  Makes hitting goals very difficult.

Tempo Runner

People who work nights start their "day" in the afternoon and would like to see a "days" worth of stats at a time.  Imagine if it reset at noon every day how irritated day workers would feel.

First Steps

I definitely agree!  After living for a while in New York I found I was seldom getting home until after 2am--but I was doing a significant amount of walking to and from subway stops, between events etc and my walking totals for the "fitbit day" and my own day seldom lined up. I know it all averages out in the end--but it would be nice to be able to specify when you wanted your personal day to start and end.


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