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At the moment, logging food via barcode scanning is only supported for the US food database. I would like the option of food scanning for international food databases as well with nutrition facts.
I understand the barcode food recognition tool is only linked to a US food database! It's a great tool which I use readily with my fitness pal, which recognises most UK foods. Please make the Fitbit tool work as well in the UK!
Yes, make barcode scanning available for all countries.
State clearly in all ads and commercials that 'Functions are available for US customers only, please don't buy our product if you are living outside US'
This feature needs to be added! It's so frustrating when you attempt to scan something and it's not recognised. I get a little message asking me if I want to add it to the database too with no option to actaully add it.
Surely they could even just have one big food database?
@k00st0ch I think you'll find that @McLuke is saying that in comparison, other countries pay a higher amount for the product yet they recieve less features which is ultimately unfair.
@SuperJamie Thank you that is what I was saying, I was making a point that when @nelenaz said we pay the same for the product I was trying to show that we (AU/NZ) enfact pay more.
@k00st0chI believe I was adding something of value in showing that other countries do enfact pay more than the US but we don't get all of the features available, maybe you should be adding something of value instead of just saying you've unsubscribed but enfact you keep coming back to what? Say something someone has added has no value?
Quite many of us have been requesting this for some time now, but there is no acceptable answer from Fitbit. They just don't care. They won't do anything as long as their products are sold, and selling is not affected by disappointed users.
I recommend to rate FitBit app in Store with 1 star and write a sincere review in the description field about this nice 'hidden feature' of their software. Potential buyers must know beforehand that FitBit blocks features for non-US users. As long as this is kept within Fitbit's own forums, there won't be any change.
The longer fitbit misses out on implimenting this, the more the community loose faith from people contributing to the database..becuase they can't! People willl slowly move to other apps instead that have this simple feature availalb.e
Those people nice/bothered enough to add food will have stopped adding food and won't want to come back to add the barcode and fitbit will loose the contributers.
If you're not going to implement this for customers outside of US, at least update the verbage that's displayed by the app. It's really confusing for people see the option and not be able to click on it.
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