Developer Dashboard

Please create a dashboard that would display user statistics, ie, number of installs, statistics for Fitbit Web API, etc. It could be integrated into the existing GAM

Not applicable

Nice suggestion and we agree it would be a must for developers publishing applications and clock faces. Thanks for sharing, we'll discuss this with the GAM team.

Recovery Runner

I would also very much like to see a dashboard for my watchfaces I'm developing! 

Keeping Pace

I second this. It's discouraging to developers to not be able to see statistics. Without that, the motivation to create goes down. How do I know if I should keep designing if I don't have an ability to get a public response. 


I actually think Fitbit should make a separate mobile app for the app store (similar to how we have FB Coach and Yoga).

It would allow the store to work quicker as we are not trying to merge the dashboard and an entire app database together. 


Then you could go in and add features such as:

More categories (games for example)

Pay for apps in store so we don't have to use 3rd parties (the easier to purchase the more likely the consumer will buy)

Comment features on apps and clocks so people can share their opinion

An ability to "like" an app or clock

Sort gallery by: new, most popular, free, ect

If the Versa really has sold over one million units, there must be a demand for a better app selection or apple will win. With Black Friday coming up soon, a better app selection will most likely produce better sales. 


Thanks for listening,

-Kristin G.

First Steps

This features is important for hobbyist or full-time developer as it will help us to know how the apps is performing in terms of download, feedback, etc. With the information, it will then encourage more interesting or fun app development and in turn, maybe help to sell FitBit devices to more users.

Tempo Runner

Any update on this?

Base Runner

Was this discussed with the relevant team as stated in February 2018?


What was their response?


I’m unsure how this feature has yet to be implemented... but... it needs to be. 


Currently the only way to see if your app is even performing well, or if it is popular, popular is the associated top app category or the staff picks category.

Recovery Runner

Hi, (from a developer)


It would be great if developers could get feedback on how many people are actually using their apps.


Pebble did this well, but it doesn't need to be as sophisticated as the Pebble version to be useful and encourage development - the Gallery App Manager could simply say beside each version of the app how many people have that version of the app loaded.


Would this be difficult to implement? 



Recovery Runner

I just put in a similar request to this one: put stats in the Gallery App Manager interface to say how many people have each version of your app loaded.  Surely that couldn't be hard.




Add my vote to this, it's quite strange to have a publishing platform without built-in tracking. Surely download/install events are being counted somewhere internally, shouldn't be that difficult to make them visible to developers..

Not applicable

Not even asking for a full developer dashboard, simply a App Download Counter please!!!

Recovery Runner

Hello?  Is this thing on?  Developers need some quality of life improvements! 

Recovery Runner

It's like they bought Pebble and said, yea that really works!  Let's start all over.

Tempo Runner

It is reactions like this from Fitbit which have caused many of us to stop trying to make new apps. 

Recovery Runner

It's a joke that it's not ready yet

Recovery Runner



I used to love tracking the downloads of my Pebble apps - got over 15,000 on one of them and 10,000 on another.  I never made a cent out of them, but I never particularly wanted to.


I uploaded my first Fitback app a couple of months back and haven't looked at it since.   What is there to look at?


Massive fail here on Fitbit's part after spending a fortune on Pebble I.P.


I'm glad I'm not one of their shareholders.

Base Runner

Yup, this is a must have feature. I don't know how the company went ahead with releasing the app ecosystem without this basic feature in the first place


Any updates on this?
We could put some calls to see how many installs there are, but its not ok to ask for internet permissions just for this.

It is a mandatory feature! 

Tempo Runner

One of the many long standing Fitbit failures explaining why you can get Fitbit stocks for under $6 and expect to lose money.


Fitbit... you’ve got to be kidding. Give us an update on this please. Just a yay or a nay type response would be appropriate since we’ve been holding on this simple feature (and arguably necessary feature if you want quality apps designed for your platform) for approximately 16 months...

Recovery Runner

Really, they would appear to have most of the infrastructure in place already.


How hard can it be to take a piece of software that emails people saying "Congratulations, Peter, you've now walked the length of the grand canyon" (or whatever) and make it say "Congratulations, Peter, 100 people have now downloaded your app"?


As a creator for FitbitOS, I would like basic analytics like Mozilla Firefox's Add-ons stats:


  • Daily users and downloads for the last 7, 30, 90, 365 days
  • Daily users by:
    • FitbitOS app version (which version of my app is in use)
    • Language
    • Platform (Android, iOS, Windows, etc)

I do not need to know anything about individual users. I just want to know aggregated basics.

Stepping Up

need options for a dashboard cause this new one I dont care for it like the old one better


Base Runner

There has been so many requests for the old dashboard to be returned or at the very least give the option. Fitbit is trying to lose customers by this awful dashboard! What person developed this and thought hey this is a great idea! Let’s take away the ability to quickly see your stats and make everything harder to read! Perfect! Clearly a non user of the actual product! Epic fail Fitbit!! And let’s not forget to mention the huge issues with syncing and logging data. 


Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @cubby1! Great suggestion, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the Fitbit Dashboard. I've moved it into a similar suggestion. Hopefully we will have support from other users since more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains.

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