Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


Unfortunately at the moment I don't have time

If they don't do something about it I shall definitely buy the next Apple

I'd rather not have to but all my data is needed in one place for my
diabetic nurse and Consultant.

Does anyone have the time to compile it

If you can obviously over 3k of us would be pleased


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Recovery Runner
Sorry but do you think he doesn't already know. Do you think he isn't instrumental in the decision. And do you really think 3000 people selling their fitbits will bring the company to its knees. Fitbit will succeed with or without HealthKit integration. If not they would have integrated it by now. Don't get me wrong I would love to see HealthKit integration but in the end the people on here are just a drop in the ocean. Bare in mind that if you sell your Fitbit someone else becomes their customer.
Recovery Runner

Fitbit's CEO and co-founder is James Park. I'm pretty sure that he's aware of your requests for integration. After all, the moderatos here occasionally drop by and repeat their mantra that Fitbit does "listen" to your comments.


In a recent Telegraph (UK) interview, Park felt that the Apple Watch is a product that "does too much”. He also said that his company’s research “has shown that people who search for an interest in the Apple Watch do not overlap with people who search for and are interested in Fitbit”. That research certainly does not seem to account for the 3000+ posts logged in this thread. And it certainly does not account for the fact that devices from both camps track steps and heart rate at its most basic level. I’m guessing that Park must be quite fearful of the Apple Watch to make those comments.


So, if you are a user that fits into James Park’s research, then you’re certainly in his favour for the $$ that he’s squeezing from you. For those who don’t and have posted here, you’re out of luck. The CEO will not have anything to do with integrating with Apple, not now or in the future because it’s too “complicated” for his purportedly “simple” philosophy.


Fitbit does, however, seem to want to capitalize on unsuspecting iOS clients who fall into believing that Fitbits are fully iOS compatible. So, $$ are still being squeezed out from these unsuspecting clients when their refund window expires. Like Trump, Park probably loves the “poorly educated”, especially when Fitbit is the source of such misinformation by refusing to officially announce it’s policy of no Apple integration. This thread alone is a quasi official statement of non-integration by saying that Fitbit is “listening” to you, and yet this feature request is still “under consideration” for the last 2 years.


If you’ve fallen into this trap, don't come here to beg and plead for something that'll never come. Fitbit is doing a great job at listening to your comments. And it's also doing a great job at ignoring you. You won't see action from them any time soon. It's been 2 years of begging and pleading. Please take your $$ elsewhere. There are much better choices and companies out there that really care for and are honest with their customers.


Not applicable

@PKDaba You've summed the situation up well. FitBit are aware of (some of) their customers wanting full iOS compatability. There's no technical reasons for not integrating their devices, but there's plenty of buiness reasons for doing so. 


As much as we request (beg) for integration, it's not going to happen anytime soon. All we can do is be more educated in our future purchases.


Personally, I chose the Fitbit Charge HR instead of the Apple Watch, because the Fitbit has better battery life and more accurate HR measurements. Apple will improve their watches over time, and I might switch over. In the meantime, I'm stuck with third party workarounds for the limitations in Fitbit.


I can only assume that part of Fitbit's strategy is trying to encourage people to stay within the Fitbit ecosystem. i.e. "all my data is on and if I change to device X, I'll lose that data". Sharing the data on HealthKit only makes it easier for other apps (and devices) to access that data.


Fitbit will keep "listening" and they'll equally continue ignoring the iOS compatibility requests. The only way they'll change their mind is if they determine there's a link between lost sales/profit, and a lack of iOS integration. At this stage, it doesn't seem to matter to them.


First Steps
I would love to have Fitbit integrate its data with health app of IPhone.
I wish they'd quit stalling and just get on with it. Apple Health is the future.
First Steps
When will we be able to sync with Apple's Health App. This is a must!!!
First Steps
Please we need sync our data with ios healthapp kit. Thanks
Not yet sync? Please go ahead...
Yes please integrate now 😉
First Steps
Please integrate with HealthKit.

Please integrate with HealthKit. 

It would help present new fitbit customers with an easy migration when bringing existing healthkit data to fitbit.

There are various devices that work with healthkit, so when people are looking to make the switch, it would be nice to know that they can carry over all of their existing data without having to purchase and navigate a 3rd party syncing app. 


Not only that, some people just prefer the additional information and presentation of the healthkit app better.


It would open fitbit to new information to present while opening healthkit to a greater range of input devices, and vice verse. 


Overall, it would just present people with greater access and understanding of their physical health and well-being, empowering them to take control. 


right now there exists a huge gap between our favorite wearables and favorite mobile devices that we would like to see closed. 


If you were to put this topic to a vote, I'm sure that in general people would want their mobile device's native applications to work seamlessly with their fitbit. Whether it be apple health or google fit.


Just give the people what they want. 


Good idea. Is it possible to create a poll on the forum? I'm on my phone
so don't see many options

Moderator Edit: Removed personal information 

Recovery Runner
I see that this request is now over 1 year old. Fitbit are you ever going to listen to your users and help us better our health. I think having my Fitbit information on my Apple Health app makes a ton of sense since much of this information is used for our Emergency ID. Please bring Apple Health and Fitbit together.
Recovery Runner

@Christine1227, this request is actually 23 months old.


@Corconx, this forum itself is a place to vote for the feature requested. If you look at the top left corner of this page, there are already 2656 people who voted for this feature over the last two years.


How many more days, months, years more do you think Fitbit needs to ACT on your requests? Really makes one wonder what Fitbit is "considering" before they act? A moderator will infrequently drop by and say that Fibit is "listening" to you. They sure are good at listening to all the begging and pleading. But, they are also very good at ignoring you.


It's apparent that this forum is just Fitbit's way of leading you on, giving you false hope that it's going to happen where in fact they have no desire to do so and don't have the integrity to officially announce this.


Many of us past loyal Fitbit users have moved on to greener pastures. There are more and much better alternatives out there. Take your $$ elsewhere and have the courage to "let it go".


First Steps

For me it would be a really timesaver if Fitbit syncs info with Healt kit. 

I got other healt tech that talks to IOS Healt and i would really like to get fitbit activity in there aswell. 


I hope that fitbit decides to go forward with this. 


Tempo Runner
Fitbit is still mad that Apple came out with the iWatch and then Apple stopped selling Fitbits in their stores. Get over it Fitbit and if your customers what they want
Recovery Runner

@hawkyou, Apple stopped selling Fitbits from their store because Fitbit refused to integrate with HealthKit when it was introduced by Apple two years ago. A large number of Fitbits may actually have been initially sold through the Apple Store, helping Fitbit build its iOS user base. This is the thanks that iOS clients get for supporting Fitbit when it first started. I can't blame Apple for kicking them off their stores.


As evidenced by this forum thread, Fitbit won't care about what you want and never will. Fitbit could prove me wrong. But, I doubt very much it will. Stop the begging and pleading. It's been too long. There are many alternatives out there that will integrate with HealthKit.


Maybe we ALL need to look elsewhere. I have seen NO comment from anyone from FITBIT or an acknowledgement from their CEO. They obviously do not take any notice of their paying customers

I will now do further research and walk with my feet

Not applicable

I was expecting the integration to be done already given that there are apps in the store that already do it.


Hurry up Fitbit folks.

First Steps

I am on my 2nd Fitbit and love it's dashboard app.  However, I received an Apple Watch and was very disappointed to hear there is no connectivity between iOS and Fitbit.  PLEASE consider supporting the iOS app, or developing an app that works with an Apple Watch.  I would hate to run away from your product....

Totally agree with you. I regret that I spent $150 on my first and only fit bit product, my charge HR. While I like it and actually appreciate their dashboard the fact that they refuse to integrate with health kit is ridiculous after two years of iOS users requesting integration. Irritates the hell out of me that all my data from the time I wore my charge HR is basically not accessible to me but I figure at this point I'll just cut my losses.
I'm going to remove myself from this thread since I no longer wear my fitbit and I am truly sick and tired of seeing everybody begging these clowns for what is normal request and needed for any fitness tracking band.
Just wish I'd kept the $150 I gave fit bit and put it towards an Apple Watch which I will be doing as soon as the version two comes out


Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

@JohnBez and other iOS users hanging on the hope that Fitbit will integrate with HealthKit, I was in the same situation 1.5 years ago. I was also deceived into hanging on to the false hope that this thread has been providing. I've also made the tough decision to let go. I'm happy to say that I'm truly satisfied with my decision. My personal fitness data is no longer under Fitbit's control. So, the earlier you let go, the less data you'll leave with Fitbit to have a stranglehold on you.


Also, no need to remove yourself from this thread. You're a paying customer and have a right to a voice in this thread. Help educate unsuspecting victims who have fallen for Fitbit's trap.




May I ask what your chose when you left?

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Not applicable
Is it possible that this might be leveraged somehow?

Marc R. Hoffman

Sent from my iPhone
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