Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.


Hey, FitBit.  I know you're scared that integration with Apple's Health Kit would siphon users away from your own app.  But you don't charge for the app, it's not really your business.  What people buy from you is devices.  THAT is your business, and you make the best ones around.


But listen: I have loved 4 of your devices in 3 models, and gotten my wife and M-I-L on board.  I've no interest in a giant, heavy Apple Watch that has to be charged every day.  But I AM tempted now and again to switch to a different lightweight tracker that can integrate with the established "hub" for health apps, even at the cost of losing some features - including your very good app.


Oh, and it's pretty laughable to respond to this post with the boilerplate that "We are always looking for ways you can use your data to support your health and fitness goals" and "Fitbit has a history of working with the community to bring potential features to reality" when you've closed comment on requests and upvotes from many thousands of users for this very obvious and easy feature that so many lesser companies have implemented.


It all becomes a little clearer when I read "the launch of Fitbit Ionic has given us the opportunity to allow third party developers to develop apps for the Fitbit App Gallery through our SDK", which is only for the Ionic.  I don't want an Ionic for the very same reasons I don't want the more full-featured Apple Watch.  An improved Charge 2 with many of the Ionic's improvements?  HELLZ yeah.


You're in more danger from sticking in the mud on this short-sighted policy than on giving your customers what they clearly want.  It reminds me of the music industry's response to MP3s: and Apple wound up owning them.  How long until Apple extends their wearables range downmarket?  Android Wear is already doing that, and their devices are increasingly platform agnostic.

First Steps

It’s very important for IOS user to maximum the potential of our device. It bothers me that Fitbit doesn’t have an agenda to improve this issue. Syncing data from HealthKit to Fitbit or the other way around is a very basic step. I hope we will have this founction in the nearly future. It’s not hard to do.

First Steps

Agreed. I currently use Sync Solver but it's another unreliable step where there shouldn't be one.

Recovery Runner

The section on the Fitbit app should let you snap a picture of your food to add it and definitely have a points system like weight watchers and add a group feature to see others on there weight loss journey and the Fitbit app as a whole should have more push notifications to remind you to log your food  and Apple iOS intergration and the information should sync to your Apple health automatically just a suggestion to keep Fitbit users connected to Fitbit and not switch to Apple Watch which has more integration features


I love Fitbit, I had 4 trackers for the last years, and love the app and challenges. This time I bought an Apple Watch that has more features than the Fitbit, I’m so sad that it don’t sync with the Fitbit, the apps syncs with my phone motion but the steps are off.. I would even pay a monthly payment to make it work with Fitbit app, the best fitness app I know


I love Fitbit, I had 4 trackers for the last years, and love the app and challenges. This time I bought an Apple Watch that has more features than the Fitbit, I’m so sad that it don’t sync with the Fitbit, the apps syncs with my phone motion but the steps are off.. I would even pay a monthly payment to make it work with Fitbit app, the best fitness app I know

First Steps
Integrate with iOS Health

The lack of connection to Apple Health is my cause to regret buying an Alta HR. I could have spent that money towards an Apple Watch instead. Which I'm saving for now.

Integrate with iOS Health


Base Runner

Also if the "Feature Suggestion" here -> Integrate with iOS Health was marked as "not currently planned", it IS and also WILL BE IN THE FUTURE a "killer feature".


E.g. the Fitbit Ionic was designed as a "Smart enabled" Fitness Watch. With this strategy and also the key benefits of the Ionic like Battery life and focus on Fitness it is exactly the counterpart of the Apple Watch .. and exactly what iPhone users are missing. 

But yes, the bad part of this is the integration and interaction with the Apple Ecosystem. 

If this would be implemented, you would reach exactly these Users .. and enlarge the user base for all the people who boggle on this "incompatibility issue".

Btw. .. competitors are more fitness oriented, more integrated with Apple ecosystem, but less Smart. And this is waht an typical Apple user is focused on.

First Steps

I would recomend the developers at Fitbit to work with Apple’s HealthKit in order to enable synchronizing all the information that my Blaze collects with the one on my Health app so that this information can be shared with other apps and my doctor. Apple Watches already do this which I really like and it would be a good enough reason to switch...

Thanks in advance,

— Guillermo Tenney

First Steps

Are there any plans for iHealth app integration in the future?

I track other vitals outside the Fitbit app and want to see if there is an effect on them based on my workouts.


Are there legal reasons for this integration not having been done before?



Not applicable

I have no visibility on future plans about this integration and I totally understand that people want us to make this integration ourselves, but note that even if the status of this feature request is "not currently planned", any 3rd-party developers would be able to create an iOS app that would sync our data with the Health app by using our Web API. It may not be the perfect solution, but I wanted to chime in as someone may want to build something that would help you all.


I realize that this topic has shown up before, but I'm new here as an excited Fitbit Versa owner AND a disappointed Fitbit app user because the app doesn't communicate with Apple Health.

I've been tracking weight for a long time with the great, simple app Happy Scale, but now that I want to use Fitbit's app in coordination with other data from my Versa, I figured I could just use Fitbit for my weight tracking. One thing I like about Happy Scale is that it automatically syncs with Apple Health, where it's nice to know that no matter what health data apps and sources I use over the years, Apple Health will keep up with it. Not so with Fitbit, and that is very disappointing. This is probably wordier than necessary, but I'm writing quickly and don't feel like editing.



Moderator Edit: Updated Subject For Clarity.


I'm excited about my new Versa, but I'm disappointed that the Fitbit app doesn't sync with Apple Health. I've used a few apps for tracking weight and other health data over the years, but I always have them sync with Apple's app, comfortable knowing that all my data will ultimately be in one place.

The only kind of data that I would care about syncing between Fitbit and Apple is the weight tracking.


First Steps

I would just love to have my Fitbit sync with my iPhone health app 

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Hello there @Rpotter1000, nice to see you are visiting the Fitbit Community and I'm happy to hear you are now a Versa owner. As you found out already in our Feature Suggestion board, Apple products are not compatible with Fitbit and there are no future plans at the moment. So, I appreciate you have share your feedback with us.


There are there are tons of apps that use our Open API to integrate their service with ours. Happy scale is not officially supported, so the information available about its functionality is very limited.


The best way to tell if an app is compatible with Fitbit is to go to the third party site (or app) and poke around their settings to see if you can connect Fitbit. You can also browse their site for information or contact the app owner and ask if they have any future plans to make possible this integration.


For more information, review our compatible third party integrations here: Third Party Apps - Informational Post.


See you around and let me know if you have additional feedback.

First Steps

Why don’t these devices communicate with each other? If you start a run on the watch it should start it on the phone; thus enabling voice feedback. Come on guys this is simple design stuff. Nevermind the fact that you can’t pull from map my run or dump to Apple health

First Steps

sync to apple health is every apple user's wish. It is really needed.

First Steps

😢 please Fitbit. This has been the top requested feature for years, and thousands of people are sad you aren’t listening. I don’t want to lose my data if I change devices, or if I use a different app to record a workout. I still will use the Fitbit app on a daily basis, I just want to know my data is safe and consolidated. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion @realandrewwood. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.


Please add an option to connect to Apple Health. 

First Steps

I use Sync Solver to sync my Blaze to health, but it doesn’t include heart rate. Please allow SS to sync heart rate. Thanks!


The ability to sync with Apple Health.


- Threads are closed, this was the most requested feature and still nothing.


If it cannot be added, rather than a non-sense generic reply, or closing any thread related to this issue, how about giving the reason, why after years, it has not been implemented?

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Moderator Alum

Hi @honglong1976, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us,this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.

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