Make sleep score optional

Suggested idea is to have the sleep score optional ! 

We should be able to choose if we have the score or not , I hate feeling like I failed my sleep!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

First Steps

i have enough trouble with sleeping, and it's not like my doctors have found a fix.  I just need to know how long I slept, and was I in normal range of stages of sleep.  I'm not enjoying this thing passing judgement on my nights.... And who's to say how it's calculated and if it is actually a good measure. 


Like many other users, I’m extremely dissatisfied with the Sleep Score “feature”. At minimum, it needs an option to turn it off and simply measure average sleep for the week. At some point, if you do decide to keep it (hoping you won’t, though) it needs an explanation for what *I* can do to improve my sleep score. It’s totally arbitrary right now.  


On a more personal, human level: It’s made my partner and I feel lousy, like our sleep is being “judged” by some arbitrary algorithm. We have no idea what contributes to a fair vs good vs excellent score. It’s meaningless to users, makes them feel bad, and removes the subjective nature of how one **feels** after a particular night’s sleep.


We’re both planning to stop using our FitBits until a software patch is available that allows for users to shut off the feature or, preferably, it is discontinued. It’s really a shame, because we both thoroughly enjoyed & highly recommended the product to others before the recent terrible software rollout. It feels like you’re using your loyal customers to get more money out of them from some misguided Premium version, and that doesn’t feel good coming from a wellness company. 

First Steps

Totally agree.  The new sleep score is meaningless to me.  One of the main reasons I use my fitbit is to track, and attempt to increase my sleep time.  An average sleep time for the week is the goal I look to improve...not some stupid 'sleep score'.  Since fitbit started this, I literally have to use a calculator at the end of the week to figure out my average sleep minutes.  Stupid.

First Steps

Same with me .. defeats the purpose of having a Fitbit.  What dummy thought of a sleep score????? We use hours in the United States... I don’t care about. Stupid score either. Will not purchase another Fitbit again.


It wouldn't hurt to email them, but my guess is this change was made to enhance their profits by advertising their "premium" service.  I'm a developer and I find this tendency to monetize everything very objectionable.  Bloatware is also the latest blight. 


PS.  It required about 90 minutes for the re-installed fitbit app to download my data (about 18 months worth) from their servers since it was wiped when I uninstalled the app. 

Base Runner
I did. I was ignored. Lol

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First Steps

The worst addition to for not. Gives us back the average hours. Looking at other products outside of Fitbit because this truly is a deal breaker!

Recovery Runner

Or just remove sleep scores altogether.  It's just arbitrary rubbish anyway.

First Steps

First time I'm considering dumping fitbit.  Sleep score sucks. Get rid of it or I'm getting rid of you.

To see your one star review select “See All” then “Most Helpful” and then “Most Critical”. That’s how I found my negative review.
Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone
Base Runner
Excellent perspective. These software changes including the new look dashboard that makes it terrible for a disservice to loyal customers like you and like me.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Why are the moderators even here? You don't say anything and just move things around and make ridiculous patronizing nonsensical statements! Stop it! Tell your company we want answers now!!!!!!Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone


Moderator edit: Format

First Steps

I work my life by number of hours I sleep. Do not get the sleep score thing. 


Please bring back the average hours slept function. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Stsafc and @bluebear18! Thanks for sharing your suggestion about getting the average sleep time instead. I've moved it into a similar request. You can also check this other suggestion, post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Community Legend

@Mom2boo  the Moderators are doing their jobs, within their guidelines, from their employer, Fitbit. the Terms of Service, which we all agree to upon joining the forums can be found here - click - and they have the discretion to merge, move or delete posts. They post when and as they have time and something to say. This is a huge forum with many areas to moderate, but they do keep an eye on things. Sorry people are upset, but the Fitbit Moderators are here, even when you don't "see" them.

Recovery Runner
Thank you. Yes I agree with your assessment

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
YES! Me too!! I hate it and will quit fitbit in one week unless removed or optional. DONE!

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

Sent from my iPhone

Fitbit team if you haven’t you should also check this feed


people are really not liking this feature and for something like sleep which is meant to be relaxing.. this is causing a lot of people a lot of stress. 


For future reference you should make all features that are “nice to have” , and especially the ones not rooted in any research, optional. Don’t force them down on your users please if they’re not critical! 


(Also your comment feed doesn’t allow pasting of url from your own community site?! Had to type that link myself! Mad!) 


Recovery Runner

TennysonLee posted on here suggesting we download an older version of the app.

I have and it works. I've gone back to version 2.78 it has the average sleep data instead of a sleep score. I'll live with that while I research an ternative to fitbit.

Just do a search for old versions of the fitbit app for android. 

Don't know if there is a site for those that need an old iOS version 

First Steps
I have the Galaxy Gear S3 as well. I had never messed with the sleep option on it because I had my Fitbit. I just checked my few stats(I don't often wear to bed)in side by side comparison and it was very similar. It does not give the average hours that I see, but neither does Fitbit now. Guess I'll be saving that money I was going to use at Christmas to upgrade my Fitbit. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

I originally emailed the company about not seeing the sleep averages and turning off the sleep score. I was told it was not something they are considering doing at this time but referred me to the community site to voice my opinion and see what others are saying. After being on this site for a few days, I realize it this a total deflection from dealing directly with issue. I don’t see the purpose of this. Fitbit is obviously receiving emails from many and pushing us off to the community board to avoid directly addressing the complaints. Many different factors play a role in good sleep and is very individual depending on which issues you have a problem with. A generalized sleep score does not help an individual improve on their particular issue. It’s that simple. Give us back the data we want to see. 

First Steps

The sleep score is not helpful to me. I agree with people above that the score actually makes you feel upset or like you failed. I have been working on my sleep habits and trying to improve my sleep quality. I have been using the fit bit app to track my sleep improvements, it is the first thing I look at in the morning. Now I see a score out of a 100, I presume its out of 100. I have not made it past 80. 

The reason I do not like the score; as well as the sleep "goal" time, is that it if a person does not fall asleep and wake consistently at a prescribed time then they FAIL. If a person is a shift worker (like me!) it is impossible to go to sleep at the same time every day. Also if a shift worker sleeps longer to prepare for a overnight shift the app scores that lower, signifying 10+ hours is unhealthy. If it only knew that I would be awake for the following 20 hours.  

I would like to see app improvements to accommodate shift workers and help navigate healthier habits for sleeping irregular hours. 

Please and thank you. From a tired shift worker.

First Steps

I agree with everybody else. Sleep score is useless - sleep is not a competition. Bring back average sleep. All sleep score does is make you feel bad when you've slept poorly - it's an information-free de-motivator that makes me dread checking my Fitbit. I'm thinking of stopping sleep tracking entirely.

Recovery Runner

Delete the app and do an Internet search for an older version. 

Anything before version 3.2 has average sleep rather than sleep score

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