Show total distance run over the past year

It's the 1st January and I'd like to know how far I ran last year (tracked on Surge) On-line Activities summary shows total distance for all activities, but I want JUST THE RUNS please. 


I would like to see my running mileage separate from my total and/or walking mileage.  Is that possible?



Moderator edit: Added Labels

First Steps

What happened to the mileage bar chart that showed results for previous days?

First Steps
Are there plans to enable exporting weekly and monthly running data that is separate from total steps taken?  To be honest, steps taken per day, week, or month is not particularly important to distance runners, particularly when in the midst of marathon training.  For myself, I will average 60-70 miles per week and I do not want to tally the mileage manually when, I suspect, the data for weekly and monthly totals is stored.
Might this be on the horizon?  Please give me hope!
Not applicable

YES YES YES. Please add this. I want to see how much I ran, I don't care about how much I walked when I was at work going from cube to cube.

First Steps

Thank you for adding your comment about separating running mileage from steps!  I enjoy my Fitbit for many reasons, but I do find it hard to recommend The Surge (which is what I have) to other dedicated distance runners without some reservation unless / until this feature is available. Tracking mileage on a weekly (and monthly) basis is a really key metric.

Recovery Runner

 To hop on this bandwagon, why can't I screen BPM and other metrics within RUN? Why can't I screen metrics (like GPM) within WORKOUT or WEIGHT LIFTING, to monitor those activities? 

First Steps
I agree entirely! I like my Fitbit, but it does not seem to take serious athletes very seriously.  We are not all walkers!
Has anyone ever got a response from Fitbit about this issue? I haven't yet.
First Steps
I have received a reply -- but it was ONLY to say that theirproduct development team routinely reviews this Community Notice Board to seewhat consumers are asking for.  Until Fitbit can show me my miles run perweek (without steps walked) then I find it difficult to think of Fitbit asserious about runners.  Come on Fitbit! 
Not applicable

It would seem this data would be easy to separate from normal walking or daily mileage data.  When you complete a run the device scrolls the workout/run overview data on the device (Charge in my case).  You would think this "workout" specific data would be easy to show on the dashboard.   I'm training for a half marathon and it would be very nice to see my "workout" or "run" data separate from my general daily data.   I'm starting to look at Garmin's because I'm not able to view this data (which seems to be collected already) on fitbits dashboard/app.


This is a critical piece of data needed for any runner attempting to improve or just keep an eye on their mileage.  Hopefully, they'll make some improvements soon.

First Steps

I fully agree with you.  This really should be straight forward, but I still see no movement from Fitbit.  This has been is a genuine disappointment.  Training for marathons inherently involves tracking mileage by the week and by the month, increasing incrementally until three weeks before the race. Then we tapper. Knowing weekly mileage – excluding step mileage – is central to this. The lack of action on the part of Fitbit just tells me that management within the company do not fully understand the needs of distance runners. 

Not applicable
I figured out a way to make this work. Using the app, go to the workout category on your main list (which generically labels it "workout" ). This shows a list of "workouts" for the past days. If you select one of these workouts (one that was actually a run) you will see "categorize workout" option at the top. Select that and categorize it as a run. This will automatically display all your run stats (at least mileage and pace info) for that session. It's an extra step but it then provides the info I was looking for. The GSP devices must do this automatically, but the charge seems to require you to confirm the workout as a "run". Hope this helps others!
First Steps

I agree and now waiting over a year. This is a key difference between fitbit and other dashboards like Garmin. Runners need and want to track their mileage.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @carlsondan36 Smiley Tongue! I  would love this too.  I would like to see at a quick glance my running mileage versus my total mileage.  Hope this can be implemented soon! 


YES PLEASE.  Mileage by week/month etc.  I also wish we could assign shoes to a run to track mileage by shoe.

First Steps

YES! This seems to be a basic feature. My wife's Garmin does this. We need to be able to see how much we have run at a simple click without needing to enter into another app or add it up manually. Should have a filter for week/month/year. Not that complicated, i don't think!

First Steps

I need to know how many miles have I run till date, month wise, year wise. If I have a goal of running 1000kms in a year my fitbit should help me guide on how am I doing in achieving this goal. please include a feature so that I can know how many miles have I run just the way I get to know my steps. 

Not applicable

I think this would be an excellent feature! 

First Steps

I agree this would be useful, as I also would like to separate just steps or walks from running. I am also on a challenge 

Stepping Up

Was really surprise I couldn't filter by activities on the monthly view on the website. It feels so simple to do.


First Steps

I have been running with a Surge for a few months now and was hoping there would be a run tracking feature.  For instance, i want to track total distance run, average pace, etc. over certain periods of time.  Avid runners would like this to track total miles run while training for something as well as seeing how their pace is changing.  Thanks!

First Steps

Hi developers! PLEASE add a RUNNING MILEAGE TRACKER to the Fitbit charge 2/app!  I am an avid runner and am unable to pull up a monthly history of how many kms I've RUN, not including kms walked etc. I need to know how I'm doing month to month to reach my goals and other watches like garmin have a great run-monthly tracker i.e. 'November - 300 kms -30 hrs run', it would be great To have the Same with Fitbit! THanks!

Community Legend

You might want to add your vote to the existing request . 

Recovery Runner

^ I don't think notes are what OP was asking for.


I think they mean an automated mileage feature like the ones on Strava. Smiley Happy


I agree, and a shoe selector with mileage would be cool, too!



I would love his feature would make training and running challenges far easier. 

Surely once there is this option you could also challenge your Fitbit friends to challenges etc!! 

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