Show walks/runs in Kilometers/miles per hour, not just in pace.

I think it would have extra value to see your pace from walks/runs in Kilometers per hour (or miles per hour for that matter). At the moment you can only see your pace,which for a lot of people is an unknown/underused metric. 


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

I cant find a setting on my Surge to change the display from pace to speed.  Its a bit of a personal preference but I am used to speed on the display, and all my previous sportwatches have had this option.


Can this be changed now, and if not can this be added please.


( I know its just maths converting one to the other,  but when I'm out running I want to be enjoying the view not doing maths  🙂


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

I would love to know how fast I am travelling in km/h at a glance, not have to do maths on the go.



Recovery Runner

I would also like this option. My tredmell and my earlier gadgets were

using. speed, that means km / h.

First Steps

+1...i wan to see it not to calculate it even though it is quite easy...

@Tauranga-runner wrote:

I cant find a setting on my Surge to change the display from pace to speed.  Its a bit of a personal preference but I am used to speed on the display, and all my previous sportwatches have had this option.


Can this be changed now, and if not can this be added please.






First Steps
I am an endurance rider and I love my Surge for measuring distance and time out on competitive rides. The only downside is that I am always having to mentally convert average pace into average speed as all of the rides work on average speed only. It is so important that you finish on the correct average speed. I would LOVE to see this option being added - it would make my life so much easier.

yeah, current speed would be nice!

Stepping Up

Things like 9'49" pace said notting to me. Now I have to calculate ((km/seconds) x 3600sec) 

So please add the option speed in km/h. 

Thanks in advance.

First Steps

I do need the speed option too!

First Steps



it would be better in km/h 😃

Recovery Runner

I'd also like speed. Pace is useless to me.

Recovery Runner

I'd also like speed. Pace is useless to me and my maths is shocking so mental calculations while running is far too much for my puny mind. I want to enjoy my run, not do complicated (for me!) maths problems!

Speed would make the watch complete. Pace is useless.
First Steps

Please add a feature to see current speed to Fitbit Charge HR. 
I always bicycling, it would be really nice! 


Really would like this as well 🙂

The announcements over the App could be changed to km/h or m/h as well.

First Steps

I would also really like live speed for cycling. I woudl also like it as an option for running and hiking. Probably a swipable display on the bottom of the Surge screen.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey there @Tauranga-runner. Thank you so much for bringing this suggestion to our attention.


I think that several other users would find the option to switch from pace to speed so I've gone ahead and forwarded your request so that it can be evaluated.


Thank you for participating in the Feature Request board.

First Steps

Km/h is a very common way of measuing distance/time so I'd love to see the option to view my speed on the app while running. I can't calculate speed from pace and I dont know how to relate to pace 🙂


Indeed km/h should be available to see after running and while running.


Not applicable
+1 I would love this feature. I've always used speed and average speed to measure my progress.
First Steps

Please give us the option to change pace to speed

I realy need the km/ feature added on my Surge. Why we need to wait so long time. Many thanks
First Steps

Add my name to the list of users who would like to see speed (km/hr) versus pace!



Stepping Up
This option would be very important. It's a "must be". Please add it as soon as possible.
Keeping Pace
Please! Km/h, like on any speedometer (car, bike, ...) Thanks

I totally agree, bought my fitbit surge and saw speed but didn't realize it was average speed. Bought the surge to replace my phone being used as the computer but upset about the currentspeed.


Speed is a must for cycling


Would be great to have the speed feature, +1 vote

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