Start day of the week to be any day of the week

Allow week to start on ANY selected day to ensure that it links to your personal plan which could start on any day of the week.  For example I am in a diet program and the first day of the week in this program is Tuesdays but was not an option as currently only Monday and Sunday are.  


Thank you,  



Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner

Allow user to define the week. For example my week isn't Monday to Sunday, it is Wednesday to Tuesday. 

Recovery Runner

I would like to begin my Fitbit Force tracking for any day of the week, not just Sun/Mon. I find that I do better starting things in the middle of the week and track through another source on Wed and it annoys me that they don't meet up. I can't change the other, as I have been doing it that way for a year, and have only owned a Force for 2 weeks. 


I would think the software would be easy to make it istart any day of the week....


First Steps

I would be real nice if you could chose the day to start your week other then Sun or Mon.  I am sure that like myself most people consume the most calories on weekends.  It would be nice if a body could know how many calories they overendulged in so they could make them up the rest of the week.


They have this already

First Steps

Not per my dashboard.  Monday or Sunday are the only options.  I want my week to start on Saturday

5K Racer

And even though they let you select a start date the weekly report they email you ignores that setting and is always Monday-Sunday. Smiley Sad (See, and vote on, this Idea posting.)


Also, this idea has previously been posted here and it already has a couple votes.


Keeping Pace

Seems along with that, you should be able to choose what time your day starts.I tend to work late and so while the aggregate may be a good reflection over time, each day is noty really accurate as I start the day with activity already logged.

Seems it should be something that could be 'set' relative to the sleep tracking, or at least, if it MUST be a 24hr period, set a differenty default other than midnight.

Recovery Runner

Would love to be able to choose from other days to start my week from.


I weigh in on a Wednesday, so would like my week to start on that day, not be restricted to Sun or Mon!


Status changed to: New
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thank you for the suggestion! I recommend contributing your vote and comments to this established post on the same topic.


I'll close this one so that we cna keep all the content in a single location.

Status changed to: New
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thank you for the suggestion! I recommend contributing your vote and comments to this established post on the same topic.


I'll close this one so that we cna keep all the content in a single location.

Status changed to: New
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thank you for the suggestion! I recommend contributing your vote and comments to this established post on the same topic.


I'll close this one so that we cna keep all the content in a single location.

First Steps

I am looking for this as well! I weigh in on Fridays. It would be nice not to have to adjust the data on a weekly basis. This would be a great way to customize fitness plans. Please consider. Thank you-Abbie

Premium User

I weigh in Friday first thing in the morning and my week begins again. It seems crazy that I have a Premium account and the weekly reports I get are never in synch with what I need!

Recovery Runner

Yes!! PLEASE!!  My food week starts on Thursdays and it's bothersome to not be able to set my Fitbit week to begin on a day other than Sunday or Monday.  It would be so helpful to be able to do this.  

Recovery Runner

Hello - I was directed by Advocate Stephanie to post my request here  🙂


Would it be possible to have the tracking week stark on a day other than Sunday or Monday?  If you have those two in place, it would seem to be to be a simple tweak to allow any day as a start day.  My food week starts on Thursdays - it has for 35 years.  It just works best for me.  It would be wonderful to be able to do that here, and get my weekly reports based on my personal calendar. 


I hope you will do this!  🙂

Recovery Runner

I agaree with everyone else. Especially now that FitBit syncs with Weight Watchers on line, there will be a lot more people wanting to syn their start day with their WW class.

Fingers crossed Smiley Happy

Stepping Up

It would also be nice to get the report the day after your week ends.  Mine seems to come on Thu (because I started using the fit bit on Wed?)  even tho my week is set to end on Sun.


It would also be nice to see the current values along with the previous 1 to 3 weeks summary values in a chart for trend analysis

Not applicable

I need this too.  My weigh in day is Thursday and it includes weekly step targets. Makes it hard when Thursday is not one of the options.



Not applicable

This seems to be a duplicate of this:


We need to pool our votes together!

Not applicable

There seems to be 6 more votes here:


We need to pool our votes together!

First Steps

yes please and allow the Weekly progress email to be customized to reflect the start date.

First Steps

Yes Please!!! I weigh in on Wednesday and would like to reset!! We challenge eachother!! This would be really nice and so much easier than trying to calculate it out. I am using another app to recalculate my steps.

Base Runner

I am adding my vote to this.  I weigh in Tuesday nights and would love for this to have the same weekly start day.

First Steps

I agree...I weigh in on Wed and would love to be able to get the information in my weekly summary to align with my weekly stats from WW. Currently I manually go through the information and reproduce what's there with my offset week. This takes me some time...time I would rather spend running, jumping and playing ;-).

First Steps



Actually, I just want my weekly summary e-mails to start on Sunday. It's an actual Start Week option, but it's frustrating that the the weekly e-mail is on Monday, regardless.

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