01-18-2024 05:40
01-18-2024 05:40
If you have more than one Google account, I would strongly recommend you don't sign up for Premium as it is not worth the headache.
A little back story for context: I first signed up to Fitbit way back in February 2016 and was an avid user until I became disabled a few years later. Upon recently finding a way to do some activity, I wanted to start using my Fitbit again but couldn't compare to my previous activity levels so wanted a fresh start. I still wanted to preserve my original account though, so I transferred it over to a Google one. Not something I would have done had I a choice, but there we go.
Now to the problem at hand.
I wanted to get back into using Fitbit so I recently got myself a Charge 6, which comes with a free 6 Month subscription to Fitbit Premium. I made a completely new Google account to use, as my Original Fitbit email account is the same as the one I use on my Android phone. This is where things have gone wrong. Despite being logged into my new account on the actual Fitbit app when activating the free subscription, it actually signed up for it on my original account, which I was signed into on my Android phone. As this is not the account I use on Fitbit, I was very annoyed as I figured that's the free chance gone because I couldn't swap it over. It also wouldn't let me verify the subscription using my original account so it got automatically cancelled a few days later. Then we get to yesterday where I opened the Fitbit app (signed into my new account) and it popped up to say the free subscription was available. Not realising exactly what had happened last time, I signed up for it again thinking the opportunity had not been lost. However, it used my original account again, instead of the new one I used to actually sign up for it and I was horrified to see I had been charged £7.99, despite it being confirmed as free during the sign up. I do not have any more spare disposable income this month and this is money I can't afford, so you can imagine my level of annoyance and concern at discovering this.
The moral of the story is this: don't bother signing up for premium if you have more than one Google account and you want to use separate ones for both Fitbit and your Android phone. Even if you have signed up on the correct account and you received emails confirming this, it will still apply the subscription to a different account and is absolutely not worth the bother! Also note it doesn't tell you anywhere that you need to be signed into your Android phone on your Fitbit email account for it to be applied successfully to the correct one, which is something that should be changed if this is the case and it is not a glitch.
I hope I have explained this clearly enough as I would hate for it to happen to others. I can clarify if something doesn't make sense, so please let me know!